Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

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dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: måndag 27 februari 2023 12:27 ‘Deficient’ On AWACS, Russian Air Force Loses A-50 Plane At A Base That Hosts Hypersonic-Firing MiG-31K Jets
The EurAsian Times skrev:Following initial reports claiming it to have been carried out by a Ukraine-aligned Belarusian partisan group BYPOL, the organization later claimed responsibility and confirmed the attacks. Damage to the A-50 has also been more or less extensive and will render it unflyable for a significant period.

BYPOL reportedly used two drones in a “sabotage” operation and exploited the aircraft’s “large” size. “We note that A-50U is quite a ‘convenient’ target due to its large (more than 10 meters in diameter) fiberglass dome, where a rotating antenna of the Shmel radar system is located,” read a Tweet from Belarusian Hajun Project.


Russia has long been known to have a few numbers of AWACS aircraft, and this was one of the only nine aircraft in its inventory. Belarus Hajun claimed that the A-50 (registration number RF-50608) arrived in Belarus on January 3, 2023, marking “54 days in the Republic of Belarus,” and flew “12 sorties.”
Radarspaningsplanet Beriev A-50 är synnerligen värdefullt:
Maros Marko skrev:This is big if true. First of all, there are only very few airworthy A-50's. This loss is likely an upgraded A-50U, which likely are only about 6-7 airworthy. Unit cost likely above 500 million USD to replace (India bought 2 A-50 with Israeli radar for a total of 2 billion)
Återigen en notis från putinisten f'låt "neutrala indiern" Prakash Nandas kroniskt opålitliga EurAsian Times. Jag kan tyvärr inte riktigt frigöra mig riktigt från att detta kan vara någon form av rysk false flag-operation. Vi vet dessutom ingenting om skadebilden. Vad vi däremot vet är att Putin gärna vill dra in Belarus/Vitryssland i kriget.

Beriev A-50 är Sovjetunionens/Ryssland motsvarighet till USA:s AWACS Boeing Boeing E-3 Sentry
Beriev A-50 (baserat på flygplanstypen Iljusjin Il-76}

Boeing Boeing E-3 Sentry (baserat på flygplanstypen Boeing 707)

AWACS står för Airborne Warning And Control System, dvs. både radarövervakning och stridsledning från en flygande plattform.

Typisk Beriev-siluett, jmfr. ex.vis med Beriev-200, ett amfibieplan för bl.a. vattenbombning vid skogsbränder.

Tyvärr är det inte vattenbomber som faller över Ukraina. Här ser vi ingen mindre än Vladimir Vladimirovitj Putin demonstrera hur det ska gå till när man släcker bränder med en Beriev-200:

Men tror jag inte att han har sin oduglige försvarsminister Sergej Kuzjugetovitj Sjojgu med sig i planet också (1:20 in i filmen).
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Air Defense Skyranger and Skynex AA Systems Are Already in Ukraine
Ukraine Travel News skrev:The Skyranger and Skynex AA Systems air defense systems are already in Ukraine, says Rheinmetall CEO in a conversation with Gabor Steingart, a columnist for the German edition of Focus.


Ukraine has become the first known recipient of the Skynex anti-aircraft artillery system, which is a further development of the ZAK Skyranger 35 (Skyshield) family based on an artillery module with a 35-mm Oerlikon Revolver Gun automatic revolver gun.
Skulle inte dessa luftvärnssystem skydda Berlin? I och för sig innebär Putins avmilitarisering av Ryssland att behovet inte är lika stort under de närmaste åren. Antalet visuellt bekräftade ryska förluster utgör 9 441 enheter, varav 1 782 stridsvagnar, 75 flygplan, 78 helikoptrar, 7 strids- och 187 spaningsdrönare.

Switzerland Becomes Stumbling Block for Western Military Aid to Ukraine
WSJ skrev:“Allowing re-exports of Swiss-made materiel would not violate our neutrality but refusing to do so could destroy our armaments industry,” said Thierry Burkart, a senior legislator from the Liberal Party, who drafted a motion to amend the laws. “Weapons are made for war, and if we refuse to supply our partners, we might as well abolish the arms industry,” he added.

Mr. Burkart says there is much at stake: Switzerland is the 14th-largest arms exporter in the world, and the industry is responsible for close to 1% of its gross domestic product.


If adopted, Mr. Burkart’s proposal could also unlock a backfilling scheme that the government has so far rejected, citing neutrality. Around 100 German-made Leopard tanks mothballed by the Swiss armed forces could be sent back to the manufacturer or a third country, which could then supply them to Ukraine.
Varför sysslar ett "neutralt" land med storskalig vapenexport? :roll:

China’s Imports of Russian Uranium Spark Fear of New Arms Race
Bloomberg skrev:On the same day in December when Chinese and US diplomats said they’d held constructive talks to reduce military tensions, Russian engineers were delivering a massive load of nuclear fuel to a remote island just 220 kilometers (124 miles) off Taiwan’s northern coast.

China’s so-called fast-breeder reactor on Changbiao Island is one of the world’s most closely-watched nuclear installations. US intelligence officials forecast that when it begins working this year, the CFR-600 will produce weapons-grade plutonium that could help Beijing increase its stockpile of warheads as much as four-fold in the next 12 years. That would allow China to match the nuclear arsenals currently deployed by the US and Russia.


China’s burgeoning capacity to expand its atomic weaponry comes as the last remaining treaty limiting the strategic stockpiles of the US and Russia is on the verge of collapse amid spiraling confrontation over the war in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin announced Feb. 21 that Russia is suspending its involvement in the New START agreement, a decision US President Joe Biden condemned as a “big mistake.”


US Department of Defense officials have repeatedly raised alarm over China’s nuclear-weapons ambitions since issuing a 2021 report to Congress. Military planners assess that the CFR-600 is poised to play a critical role in raising China’s stockpile of warheads to 1,500 by 2035 from an estimated 400 today.


The expanding nuclear partnership between Russia and China is having a huge impact on non-proliferation efforts. Between September and December, the RUSI data show Russia exported almost seven times as much highly-enriched uranium to China for the CFR-600 as all the material removed worldwide under US and IAEA auspices in the last three decades.
Invasionen av Ukraina har åskådliggjort fördelen med att ha en stor kärnvapenarsenal. Mer kärnvapen är i praktiken ett måste om Kina ska angripa Taiwan.

US official says Iran could produce nuclear material for a bomb ‘in about 12 days’
The Times of Israel skrev:“So I think there is still the view that if you could resolve this issue diplomatically and put constraints back on their nuclear program, it is better than the other options. But right now, the JCPOA is on ice,” Kahl said.

US officials previously estimated Iran’s breakout time as weeks. The US also believes Iran does not yet have all of the technology required to build a bomb and has not made a final decision to build a weapon.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened military actions against Tehran, and Israel and Iran have been engaged in a high-stakes shadow war across the wider Middle East since the nuclear deal’s collapse.
Om kärnvapen ger frikort för invasioner så är den iranska mördarregimen definitivt intresserad!
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: onsdag 01 mars 2023 4:56 Air Defense Skyranger and Skynex AA Systems Are Already in Ukraine
Ukraine Travel News skrev:The Skyranger and Skynex AA Systems air defense systems are already in Ukraine, says Rheinmetall CEO in a conversation with Gabor Steingart, a columnist for the German edition of Focus.


Ukraine has become the first known recipient of the Skynex anti-aircraft artillery system, which is a further development of the ZAK Skyranger 35 (Skyshield) family based on an artillery module with a 35-mm Oerlikon Revolver Gun automatic revolver gun.
Skulle inte dessa luftvärnssystem skydda Berlin? I och för sig innebär Putins avmilitarisering av Ryssland att behovet inte är lika stort under de närmaste åren.
Det där skrev jag om redan 11/12 2022: viewtopic.php?p=410629#p410629

Ett mindre antal, möjligen 2 enheter, kan Rheinmetall troligen sätta ihop på ett par månader, eftersom de sägs har en produktionslinje igång redan för Qatar. Fast det måste ju ha skett med Scholz-regeringens tillstånd. Möjligen är det en slags kompensation för att Tyskland inte har kunnat skaka fram det antal Gepard luftvärnskanonvagnar man utlovat. Den nya automatkanonen Oerlikon Revolver Gun® Mk3 är förstås ett modernare system än den tvillingkanon som sitter Gepard (Oerlikon GDF 006/007) , med bl.a. en dubbelt så hög eldhastighet vid automateld. Artikeln förbigår också med lätt hand det schweiziska exportembargot för den programmerbara AHEAD-granaten.

Frågan är bara vem som betalar - tyska staten förstås, som det verkar. Enbart två enheter gör kanske inte heller så stor skillnad. Frågan är vad "enheter" avser här. Ett Skynex-batteri beskrivs som
Each Skynex battery consists of four Revolver Gun Mk3 cannons, a CN-1 control unit and an X-TAR3D radar mounted on HX trucks. Undoubtedly, this is a more advanced air defense system than the samples of the old anti-aircraft self-propelled guns (ZSU) Gepard previously transferred to Ukraine by the German authorities.

Det är som synes ett mer komplext system än Gepard (eller för den delen Sveriges Luftvärnskanonvagn 90), som har egna radarspaningsresurser. Alla enheter (radar, stridsledning, eldenheter) sägs vara fordonsmonterade (truck mounted) i de system som levererats till Ukraina. Det är nästan en nödvändighet här. Några olika monteringsvarianter:
Som synes har eldenheterna också en närspaningsradar, som komplement till huvudspaningsradarn X-TAR3D.

Hur som helst så verkar påståendet om Berlins luftförsvar och att Berlin lämnas "oskyddat" vara ett rykte, möjligen utspritt av den ryska propagandan.
Senast redigerad av dr Cassandra Nojdh den onsdag 01 mars 2023 12:35, redigerad totalt 10 gång.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: onsdag 01 mars 2023 4:56 Switzerland Becomes Stumbling Block for Western Military Aid to Ukraine
WSJ skrev:“Allowing re-exports of Swiss-made materiel would not violate our neutrality but refusing to do so could destroy our armaments industry,” said Thierry Burkart, a senior legislator from the Liberal Party, who drafted a motion to amend the laws. “Weapons are made for war, and if we refuse to supply our partners, we might as well abolish the arms industry,” he added.

Mr. Burkart says there is much at stake: Switzerland is the 14th-largest arms exporter in the world, and the industry is responsible for close to 1% of its gross domestic product.


If adopted, Mr. Burkart’s proposal could also unlock a backfilling scheme that the government has so far rejected, citing neutrality. Around 100 German-made Leopard tanks mothballed by the Swiss armed forces could be sent back to the manufacturer or a third country, which could then supply them to Ukraine.
Varför sysslar ett "neutralt" land med storskalig vapenexport? :roll:
Av samma skäl som Sverige, antagligen. Oerlikon Contraves, numera Rheinmetall Air Defense, grundades redan 1906.

När den egna försvarsmakten inte längre kan, vill eller har råd att köpa måste man exportera.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Lennart Petersen
Inlägg: 3099
Blev medlem: söndag 21 augusti 2011 22:53

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Lennart Petersen »

Enceladus skrev: onsdag 01 mars 2023 4:56

Varför sysslar ett "neutralt" land med storskalig vapenexport? :
För att tjäna pengar
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: lördag 25 februari 2023 8:31 Rumänien har i övrigt landgränser mot Ungern, Serbien och Bulgarien och de två förstnämnda är väl knappast aktuella, av andra skäl än Schengen. Påverkas sådana här ev. transporter ens av Schengenreglerna?
Ukrainian artillerymen use Serbian ammunition
The Odessa Journal skrev:The defense forces use Serbian 122-mm rockets of the new ER Grad 2000. They significantly exceed the capabilities of other missiles in the arsenal of the Ukrainian army, report Militarnyi.


After the public announcement of Serbia’s possible sale of 3,500 missiles to the MLRS through an intermediary, UWP analysts confirmed that the Serbian missiles were indeed supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and used by Ukrainian forces in the war against Russia.


The main difference between the ER Grad 2000 rocket munitions of the Serbian defense company Krušik is the increased maximum range of 40 km, which is twice the range of the Soviet 9M21OF missiles.
Tydligen skickas serbiska vapen till Ukraina via Turkiet och Slovakien. Det kan vara svårt att hålla reda på alla mellanhänder, speciellt turkiska sådana!

Serbia refuses to give Russia weapons - Ukraine intel
Ukrinform skrev:"In fact, almost the only country that actually transfers (to Russia – ed.) more or less serious weapons is Iran. I won't tell you anything new here. There were reports that something was coming from North Korea, but we have no confirmation of this. And there is not a single case where we would record that some weapon came from North Korea and that it was used. Maybe we just haven't seen it yet or perhaps goes to cover some other needs. As for other countries, Russia is just trying to buy anything anywhere - because their problems are indeed significant. Serbia, for which everyone in Russia had high hopes, refused to send them weapons," Budanov said.


"Now they are trying with Myanmar. We will see what will come of this over time. But in fact, in terms of weapons supplies, Russia is limited to Iran. That’s as of today," added the GUR chief.
Ryssland har också försökt att få tag på Serbiens "överlägsna" vapen, men utan resultat. Till skillnad från Ukraina har Ryssland numera ont om pengar:

Russia's oil and gas revenues fell nearly 40% in Jan, IEA says
Reuters skrev:Russia’s oil and gas export revenues were $18.5 billion in January, 38% lower than the $30 billion Moscow received in January 2022, a month before its invasion of Ukraine, according to IEA numbers shared with Reuters.


“Our expectation is that this oil and gas revenue decline will be steeper in the next months to come. And even more steep in the mid-term, as a result of the lack of access to technology and investment,” Birol told Reuters.


Moscow relies on income from oil and gas - last year around 11.6 trillion roubles ($154.68 billion) - to fund its budget spending, and has been forced to start selling international reserves to cover a deficit widened by the cost of its invasion of Ukraine.
Uppenbarligen vill Kina och Indien inte betala mer än de behöver! Ryssland har inga allierade som ovillkorligt stödjer landet, förutom möjligen Syrien...

Rouble slides to 10-month low as falling energy prices bite
Financial Times skrev:The currency is trading at around Rbs75 to the dollar, from the peak of Rbs50 it reached at the end of July and around the level it was at before the full scale invasion of Ukraine a year ago. After the war started it collapsed to around Rbs140 to the dollar, according to Bloomberg data, following the imposition of sanctions, and then recovered after interest rates were raised to 20 per cent and capital controls imposed.


The rouble’s fall is being tempered by the central bank selling renminbi holdings from its national wealth fund, in accordance with its “budget rule”: when energy revenues are lower than expected, the bank sells assets from the fund to cover the difference.

In January, according to the finance ministry, Russia sold Rbs54.5bn of renminbi and plans to triple this amount in February. If it did, this would account for less than 6 per cent of the fund’s total renminbi holdings, suggesting that the strategy can be maintained for some time.


Falling oil and gas revenues also put pressure on government finances. But instead of tightening its belt, the state increased spending in January by 59 per cent year on year. By the end of February, Russia had spent 17 per cent of the 2023 budget but earned only received 5.3 per cent of its expected annual revenue, according to finance ministry data.


Sofya Donets, chief Russia economist at Renaissance Capital, said: “The rouble exists in a relatively sterile environment and reflects one fundamental aspect of the Russian economy — the trade balance.”
Därutöver börjar Ryssland få problem att försvara sin växelkurs.

In an Epic Battle of Tanks, Russia Was Routed, Repeating Earlier Mistakes
The New York Times skrev:A three-week battle on a plain near the coal-mining town of Vuhledar in southern Ukraine produced what Ukrainian officials say was the biggest tank battle of the war so far, and a stinging setback for the Russians.


Blown up on mines, hit with artillery or obliterated by anti-tank missiles, the charred hulks of Russian armored vehicles now litter farm fields all about Vuhledar, according to Ukrainian military drone footage. Ukraine’s military said Russia had lost at least 130 tanks and armored personnel carriers in the battle. That figure could not be independently verified. Ukraine does not disclose how many weapons it loses.
Ryssland behöver inte bara pengar, utan också stridsvagnar!
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: fredag 24 februari 2023 7:23 Även Vilkha-systemet, en ukrainsk vidareutveckling av sovjetiskt 300mm raketartilleri, är en teoretisk möjlighet. Det måste i så fall röra sig om Vilkha-M-varianten, som påstås ha en skottvidd på >130 km. Vi berörde detta i juli 2022 viewtopic.php?p=407757&sid=2beca8165d3a ... a8#p407757
The Warzone gör gällande att Ukraina medgivit att man har använt Vilkha-M-systemet i strid.
Ukraine Is Using Guided Rockets With More Range Than HIMARS-Launched Ones

Ukraina hade med all säkerhet enbart ett fåtal Vilkha-M-batterier förbandssatta vid krigets utbrott och de använder man nog ytterligt sparsamt och restriktivt. Jag skrev om detta redan här: viewtopic.php?p=407554#p407554
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Tysklands regering har publicerat en lista över militärt stöd till Ukraina: Military support for Ukraine

Sedan är det väl bra om man gör något åt sitt eget försvar också
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

EU looks to dedicate €1B to howitzer shells for Ukraine
POLITICO skrev:In a new blueprint for military support to Ukraine, the European Union will propose that €1 billion should be specifically dedicated to ammunition, particularly 155mm artillery shells, according to a document seen by POLITICO.

The EU is helping supply Ukraine with arms through an off-budget, inter-governmental cash pot called the European Peace Facility, which is used to reimburse countries that export arms to Ukraine. So far, the facility has disbursed €3.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine, with member countries deciding last December to increase its funding by €2 billion in 2023.


The funding proposal also provides a possible way out by citing “voluntary financial contributions” for countries not to take part, such as Austria, which is neutral; or that are reluctant to provide weapons, such as Hungary.


Here, time is of the essence: “In view of the urgency, the Project Arrangement needs to be signed no later than March.” And contracts should “be tentatively concluded between end-April and end-May.”
I en tidigare analys gjorde Kofman bedömningen att Ukrainas brist på ammunition endast är kortvarig - och tvärtom för Ryssland.

Germany will increase ammunition production to support Ukraine
Militarnyi skrev:“The now one-year lasting support of Ukraine has also brought us the knowledge that enables us to ensure that there is also a sufficient supply, with spare parts, that we have created repair capacities for the weapons used in the war, at locations outside of Ukraine,” Scholz said.

“We will ensure that the production of ammunition is advanced, both for the weapons that we have supplied ourselves and those that come from classic stocks that are available in eastern Europe,” the head of the German government added.
Ukraina vet att Ryssland har en tendens att tröttna på utdragna utnötningskrig (första världskriget, afghansk-sovjetiska kriget och första Tjetjenienkriget).

Israel’s Window to Strike Iran Narrows as Putin Enters Equation
Bloomberg skrev:The prospect of Iran getting the systems, the S-400s, would accelerate a decision on a possible attack, people in Israel and the US with knowledge of the discussions said.


“The longer you wait, the harder that becomes,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of a strike on Iran at a security conference in Tel Aviv last week. “We’ve waited very long. I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”


In December, the US said Russia was deepening military backing for Iran in return for Iranian supplies of drones for Moscow’s war on Ukraine. The next month, an Iranian lawmaker said Tehran expects a delivery of Su-35 fighter jets from Russia by mid-March.


After Joe Biden defeated Trump, his administration tried to revive the Iran nuclear deal but blamed Tehran for walking away. US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, recently indicated understanding for Israel’s approach.

“Israel can and should do whatever they need to deal with (Iran) and we’ve got their back,” he said at an event on Feb. 19.


Gulf nations would be at some risk but many are hoping Israel will act — even if it only sets back Iranian nuclear ambitions for a few years, said Riad Kahwagi, founder and chief executive officer of INEGMA, a Dubai-based security research group.
Håller kriget i Ukraina på att destabilisera hela världen? Riskerar USA att dras in i ett nytt krig i Mellanöstern?

Russia's fighter jet deal with Iran is a sign of weakness - analysis
The Jerusalem Post skrev:Reports have suggested that Russia could provide Iran with the Su-35. In some ways the Russian decision could be looming because it has lost out on markets for its jets around the Middle East. That means it has jets that were pegged for sales which fell through. A report at Al-Monitor in mid-January noted that “Algeria had rejected a deal to purchase Russian Su-35 fighter jets. According to Algerian defense analysts, Algiers came to the decision due to a lack of a modern on-board radar station, which does not meet the requirements of the Algerian military.”


Defense News also noted that “before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s aerospace leadership had planned to market the next generation heavy fighter bomber, the Su-57, and its highly touted derivative the Su-75 to several foreign military buyers. These plans now appear to be in ruins… For foreign buyers, that leaves the Sukhoi 35 (Su-35), the only Russian military aircraft in serial production. This is Russia’s signature heavy fighter bomber — although its combat record over the skies of Ukraine is mixed. But even the Su-35 might not be successfully exported in any significant numbers this decade.” Russia has also failed to realize its plans to make next-generation aircraft, such as the Su-57 and Su-75 relevant.


Russia hasn’t been using its air force much in the Ukraine war. It fears having its fighters and bombers shot down and appears to lack the strength and confidence to use the planes. It did use planes in Syria. Most accounts agree that Russia has suffered not only export losses due to the war, but that its serial production of aircraft has fallen.

That means Russia may not have many planes to sell and what it does have may be old and unimpressive. In short, it might provide Iran a few aircraft that had been destined for cancelled sales elsewhere. This won’t really change things for Iran’s airforce. A dozen jet aircraft does not make an air force - Iran has invested in drones for a reason.
Efter fiaskot i Ukraina är det bara pariastater som vill ha ryska stridsflygplan...

Saudi, UK ministers agree to study combat air cooperation -Saudi agency
Reuters skrev:Saudi and British defence ministers have agreed to study future co-operation on combat air capabilities and potential industrial projects, the Saudi state news agency reported.


The brief official Saudi media report did not indicate whether Riyadh was planning to join the British-led fighter programme directly, but defence analysts cautioned that such alliances typically take months or years to negotiate.
Det är ytterst osäkert om USA kommer att exportera sina sjätte generationens stridsflygplan. Både UK och Saudiarabien vill förstås ha senaste tekniken. UK har kompetensen och Saudiarabien har pengarna. Däremot har länderna helt olika syn på demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Kan det bli någon deal?
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: torsdag 02 mars 2023 16:29 Ukraina vet att Ryssland har en tendens att tröttna på utdragna utnötningskrig (första världskriget, afghansk-sovjetiska kriget och första Tjetjenienkriget).
Det där är ren mytbildning och det är lätt att hitta historiska exempel på motsatsen, som ex.vis WW2. I övrigt finns det inte många beröringspunkter mellan de olika krigsexemplen ovan. Konflikterna i Afghanistan och Tjetjenien har dessutom rötter som går tillbaka till 1800-talet.
  • Varken Storbritannien, Sovjetunionen eller för den delen USA hade några tydliga krigsmål när de gick in i Afghanistan.
  • Under det första Tjetjenienkriget befann sig Ryssland under Boris Jeltsin i kontinuerligt politiskt i kaos. När det andra Tjetjenienkriget inleddes, märkligt nog när en viss Vladimir Vladimirovitj Putin blivit premiärminister, var den ryska statsledningen fast besluten att göra jobbet klart.
  • Det historiska skeendet i Ryssland efter den sk. februarirevolutionen var om möjligt ännu mer kaotiskt. Att Lenin valde att sluta fred med tyskarna i Brest-Litovsk 1918, efter statskuppen i november 1917 (den sk. oktoberrevolutionen) berodde helt på att han bedömde att de röda bolsjevikstyrkorna måste kämpa ner de vita "kontrarevolutionärerna" (för att använda kommunistiskt språkbruk) först. Efter det tyska sammanbrottet ett halvår senare blev Ukraina ändå ett förhållandevis lätt byte, medan Finland, Baltikum och Polen blev för hårda nötter - då!
Sambandet mellan dessa exempel är homeopatiskt förunnat. Däremot kan man ta WW1 som exempel på hur svårt det är att bedöma möjligheten att nå genombrott i anfallsoperationer. Efter vapenstilleståndet på östfronten 1918 kunde Tyskland i sin våroffensiv rikta hela sin anfallskraft mot de västallierade i Frankrike-Belgien, men lyckades ändå inte bryta igenom och nå Paris (som under fransk-tyska kriget 1871).
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

US announces $400 mln in new arms aid to Ukraine including tactical bridges, ammunition
Reuters skrev:The bridges could be used by Ukrainian troops who have been training in "combined arms maneuver" warfare, which is the coordinated use of artillery shelling, alongside tank and armored vehicle attack movements, to retake territory seized by Russian forces since they invaded Ukraine a year ago.


"Importantly, assault bridges are only critical for offensive operations showing that the US is preparing Ukraine to continue retaking its territory," Watling added.

In January, Germany agreed to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine and said it would work with allies to send more. German aid for Ukraine was expected to be a major topic when U.S. President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met at the White House on Friday. Several NATO allies have pledged a range of armored fighting vehicles.
Både Tyskland och USA har på sista tiden skickat utrustning för offensiva operationer. Vidare deltar Ukraina i krigsövningar på en amerikansk bas i Tyskland.

U.S. Sends Ukraine $400 Million in Military Equipment
United States Department of Defense skrev:In this package, the United States will provide additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, additional 105 mm and 155 mm artillery rounds, and additional 25 mm ammunition.

The package also includes armored vehicle-launched bridges. These vehicles are designed to accompany armored columns and give them the ability to cross rivers, streams, ditches and trenches. The bridges are carried on the chassis of armored vehicles and launched at river or stream banks. Once the crossing is finished, the vehicle can pick up the bridge on the far bank and carry on.

The package will also include demolition munitions and equipment for obstacle clearing. To help the Ukrainians sustain their forces in combat, the package also includes testing and diagnostic equipment to support vehicle maintenance and repair, as well as spare parts and other field equipment.


But the United States is just one nation supporting Ukraine's right to sovereignty. According to DOD figures, more than 54 countries from around the world have pledged more than 1,000 tanks and other armored vehicles. They've delivered or pledged more than 800 artillery systems, and they've delivered more than 2 million rounds of artillery ammunition and more than 50 advanced Multiple Rocket Launch Systems.
Ukraina får även ytterligare ammunition för sina Bradley-fordon (25 mm).

U.S. intel on China considering lethal aid for Putin's war was gleaned from Russian officials
NBC News skrev:Initial U.S. intelligence suggesting that China is considering supplying lethal aid to Russia for its war in Ukraine was gleaned from Russian government officials, according to one current and one former U.S. official familiar with the intelligence.


China has denied it is considering sending lethal aid to Russia, calling the U.S. accusation “disinformation.”

U.S. officials note that they have not seen any evidence of movement or a decision from China to take that step.
De amerikanska uppgifterna om eventuella kinesiska vapenleveranser till Ryssland kommer som väntat från Ryssland och inte Kina. Som bekant har USA haft problem med att infiltrera Kina. Ryssland läcker däremot som ett såll. Kan Rysslands bristfälliga säkerhet påverka samarbetet mellan Kina och Ryssland?
Enceladus skrev: fredag 03 mars 2023 19:25 Det har varit ganska många fall av vådabeskjutning i detta krig, men tydligen inte denna gång.
Antalet visuellt bekräftade ryska förluster uppgår till 9 473 enheter, varav 1 790 stridsvagnar, 76 flygplan, 78 helikoptrar, 7 strids- och 187 spaningsdrönare.
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: torsdag 02 mars 2023 21:50 Det där är ren mytbildning och det är lätt att hitta historiska exempel på motsatsen, som ex.vis WW2.
Vem är det egentligen som sysslar med mytbildning?
Mick Ryan, AM skrev:24/ The irony of this battle is that while Russia is desperate for a victory in the short term, Putin often talks of how patient Russia is and how it will outlast the West. There is little in Russian behaviour at present that supports Putin's view. End.
Ryssland dräneras såväl militärt som ekonomiskt och politiskt. Här är ett tidigare inlägg om den politiska utvecklingen:
Enceladus skrev: fredag 03 mars 2023 19:25 De neutrala indierna är måttligt imponerade av mästerstrategen:
Oliver Carroll skrev:These days, Russian FM Lavrov doesn’t usually go anywhere near hostile crowds. He underestimated this Indian audience.
Det går inte bättre militärt, trots det enorma sovjetiska vapenförrådet som tog decennier att bygga upp:
Enceladus skrev: lördag 04 mars 2023 2:25 Antalet visuellt bekräftade ryska förluster uppgår till 9 473 enheter, varav 1 790 stridsvagnar, 76 flygplan, 78 helikoptrar, 7 strids- och 187 spaningsdrönare.
Här är en ny amerikansk uppskattning av ryska förluster:
KIU • Russian Officers killed in Ukraine skrev:NATO Commander-in-Chief in Europe Christopher Cavoli at the traditional Matthiae meal in Hamburg City Hall: “Russia has so far lost more than 2,000 large battle tanks. More than 200,000 Russian soldiers and over 1,800 officers were killed or wounded.”
Detta är en konservativ uppskattning med tanke på att nyss nämnda källa har bekräftat 1 874 förlorade ryska officerare. Vidare har Oryx som sagt bekräftat 1 790 förlorade ryska stridsvagnar, och det verkliga antalet är förstås avsevärt högre. Dessutom har över 16 000 stupade ryska soldater identifierats av BBC och Mediazona.

Den amerikanske armégeneralen Christopher Cavoli uppger också att den ryska armén skjuter i genomsnitt drygt 23 000 artilleripjäser per dag.

U.S. Artillery Production for Ukraine Limited by Lack of Machine Tools
RealClearDefense skrev:The U.S. has enough raw materials, but the machine tools used to make ammunition aren’t easy to buy.
Verktygsmaskiner är alltid en flaskhals i tillverkningsindustrin. Ryssland har sannolikt ännu större problem.

The sketchy plan to build a Russian Android phone
Ars Technica skrev:The news comes just days after the US Department of Commerce banned exports to Russia of phones and other electronics that cost more than $300. Experts say, however, that a Russian smartphone will have a hard time beating inexpensive competitors from China, and it may encounter problems with using Google’s Android.


The new smartphone project is just one of many of Russia’s attempts at technological self-sufficiency and digital sovereignty. The country has promised “unprecedented” amounts of funding to develop its electronics industry, which is tempting Russian firms. But not everyone is convinced that government subsidies will result in new products—or whether products like NCC’s phone will succeed.


“Currently, a few big players are trying to woo the government for subsidies to create devices on ‘national mobile OS,’ whatever that might be,” he says.


Huawei’s struggle to compete outside China shows that it’s hard for a smartphone brand to gain buyers without access to Google services. Huawei lost almost a third of its revenue in 2020, the year after sanctions cut its access to Google Maps, Gmail, and other common Google apps. The biggest hurdle NCC’s new smartphone may face, however, is cheap and readily available phones from China.


Other Russian smartphone makers such as Smartekosistema, owned by state giant Rostec, have found that they were unable to procure the necessary chips from TSMC for the second iteration of their handset, the AYYA T2. All of this may make creating Russian challengers to Samsung or Apple very expensive.

“You probably can make a smartphone in Russia with Chinese parts, but it's not very efficient,” says Kazaryan. “And why would anyone buy a Russian phone that is more expensive than Xiaomi?”
Subventioner, subventioner och återigen subventioner. Men varifrån ska pengarna komma?
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: lördag 04 mars 2023 19:59
dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: torsdag 02 mars 2023 21:50 Det där är ren mytbildning och det är lätt att hitta historiska exempel på motsatsen, som ex.vis WW2.
Vem är det egentligen som sysslar med mytbildning?
Mick Ryan, AM skrev:24/ The irony of this battle is that while Russia is desperate for a victory in the short term, Putin often talks of how patient Russia is and how it will outlast the West. There is little in Russian behaviour at present that supports Putin's view. End.
Ja, nu är tydligen Enceladus-kollektivet igång med lögnaktig citatförfalskning igen.

Ja, vem kan det vara som ägnar sig åt mytbildning? Mick Ryan, kanske? Nä, han är ju förståndig nog att inte komma med så svepande generaliseringar. Det jag kritiserade var Enceladus-kollektivets illa underbyggda påstående, illustrerat med lika illa valda exempel:
Enceladus skrev: torsdag 02 mars 2023 16:29 Ukraina vet att Ryssland har en tendens att tröttna på utdragna utnötningskrig (första världskriget, afghansk-sovjetiska kriget och första Tjetjenienkriget).
Något som Enceladus-kollektivet tydligen inte klarade av att bemöta av egen kraft.

Vi kanske skulle presentera Mick Ryan istället (jag får som vanligt städa upp efter Enceladus-kollektivet). Här har vi honom, pensionerad generalmajor i Australiens armé:

Där finns också hänvisningar till ett antal artiklar om Ukraina-kriget, skrivna av Ryan, för den som hellre läser sammanhängande texter än sönderklippta twitterinlägg.

Här verkar det vara en hel del upphetsade twitter-kommentarer till slaget om Bakhmut, som förefaller ha potential att bli något i stil med slaget vid Verdun under WW1.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Ambassador: UK to provide twice the promised Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine
The Kyiv Independent skrev:The UK will give 28 Challenger 2 main battle tanks instead of the earlier promised 14, Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.K. Vadym Prystaiko told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in an interview.
UK skickar dubbelt så många stridsvagnar till Ukraina - nästan lika många som USA:s 31 M1A2 Abrams!

Russia's Reservists Issued With Low-Tech MPL-50 'Fighting Shovels'—U.K.
Newsweek skrev:Mobilized Russian fighters are likely using "shovel"-like tools for "hand-to-hand" combat as Moscow's forces struggle with an ammunition shortage, according to a new intelligence assessment.


Dating back to 1869, the MPL-50's use as a weapon in Ukraine "highlights the brutal and low-tech fighting which has come to characterise much of the war," said the MOD. The killing power of the rudimentary weapon is, however, "particularly mythologised" in Russia, it argued.
Samtidigt kommer det rapporter om att Ryssland attackerar ukrainska fästen med bara ”skjutvapen och spadar”, troligtvis på grund av ammunitionsbrist.

Two Ukrainian pilots are in the U.S. for training assessment on attack aircraft, including F-16s
NBC News skrev:He also said the U.S. has “not started training on F-16s” and that the delivery timeline for F-16s is “essentially the same” as the training timeline, about 18 months.


Other U.S. defense officials have said the training could be shortened to six to nine months, depending on the pilots previous training and knowledge of fighter aircraft.

Ukrainian officials have told the U.S. and other allies that they have fewer than 20 pilots ready to travel to the U.S. to train on F-16s and another 30 or so who could be trained in the near future, according to American and Western officials.


In his appearance before the House Armed Services Committee, Kahl said that Ukrainian officials have asked the U.S. for as many as 128 aircraft — a mix of F-15s, F-16s, and F-18s.

Kahl said the U.S. Air Force estimates that Ukraine will ultimately need between 50 and 80 F-16s to replace its current air force. If the U.S. provides newly built aircraft, it will take three to six years to deliver them to Ukraine, with a slightly shorter timeline of 18 to 24 months if the U.S. sends refurbished older models F-16s.
Ukrainska piloter befinner sig i USA för att få utbildning i olika stridsflygplan. Bättre sent än aldrig!

Cheap Australian drones made of cardboard helping Ukrainian troops
The Australian skrev:Cheap Australian drones made of cardboard and rubber bands are helping Ukrainian troops fight off Russian invaders, as part of a $33m commitment to supply the ­country with an array of unmanned systems.

At least 100 of the flat-packed drones are being supplied to Ukraine each month, allowing ­President Volodymyr Zelensky’s forces to drop bombs, deliver supplies and undertake vital reconnaissance missions.


The unmanned aerial vehicles, made by Melbourne-based Sypaq, are designed to be expendable on the battlefield, but some in Ukraine have undertaken 60 flights.


At somewhere between $1000 and $5000 each – the exact cost is classified – they can be used to overwhelm opposing forces in a contest of attrition, forcing the enemy to use more expensive hardware to take them out.
Som grädde på moset har väl dessa australienska budgetdrönare av kartong dessutom låg radarsignatur!
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Enceladus skrev: lördag 04 mars 2023 2:25 De amerikanska uppgifterna om eventuella kinesiska vapenleveranser till Ryssland kommer som väntat från Ryssland och inte Kina. Som bekant har USA haft problem med att infiltrera Kina. Ryssland läcker däremot som ett såll. Kan Rysslands bristfälliga säkerhet påverka samarbetet mellan Kina och Ryssland?
Chinese arms could revive Russia’s failing war
The Economist skrev:But there are reasons for restraint. China is angry with the Kremlin that discussions over arms sales have been picked up by America and publicised, according to a European official familiar with the matter. China wanted any support to remain secret. It knows that underwriting Russia’s campaign would explode its pretence to be a neutral mediator—a one-sided Chinese peace initiative published on February 24th was dismissed by Ukraine’s allies. It would also further poison the relationship with America and provoke a backlash in Europe. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, America’s envoy to the UN, and Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign-policy chief, have warned that lethal aid would cross a “red line”.
Den kinesiska regeringen är uppenbarligen missnöjd med Kremls offentliggörande av diskussionerna om vapenförsäljning.

För övrigt planerar Ukraina att bygga en normalspårig järnväg till Lviv redan i år:
Thomas C. Theiner skrev:Ukraine has begun the process of ditching the russian imperial railway gauge for the European gauge.
Europeisk spårvidd väntas väsentligt underlätta transporten av militärt och humanitärt stöd från väst till Ukraina. Dessutom elektrifieras den ukrainska järnvägen i rekordfart. Vidare verkar de ryska missilerna äntligen vara på väg att ta slut. Ryssland lyckades alltså inte slå ut energiförsörjningen i Ukraina.
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: söndag 05 mars 2023 12:55 För övrigt planerarUkraina att bygga en normalspårig järnväg till Lviv redan i år:
Thomas C. Theiner skrev:Ukraine has begun the process of ditching the russian imperial railway gauge for the European gauge.
Jag tog upp det där redan i juni förra året: Normal språvidd underlättar det mesta.
dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: tisdag 21 juni 2022 13:54 Sedan fanns det tydligen planer på att bygga fyrskensspår mellan Lviv och polska gränsen också:

Ukraine plans dual gauge railway to EU
Med all säkerhet är det inte fråga om att "bygga en normalspårig järnväg" utan att komplettera befintlig järnväg till dubbla spårvidder. Planerna fanns redan år 2019, men det har ju kommit en del annat i vägen sedan dess. Här är en mera allmänt hållen artikel om möjligheterna att integrera det ukrainska järnvägsnätet med det europeiska:
Great option for TEN-T network: hidden opportunities of forgotten railway in Ukraine
dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: onsdag 29 juni 2022 17:07 Mest angeläget - totalt sett - borde vara att hjälpa Ukraina att skapa normalspåriga förbindelser med grannländerna Polen och Rumänien.

Senast redigerad av dr Cassandra Nojdh den söndag 05 mars 2023 17:10, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: lördag 04 mars 2023 19:59 U.S. Artillery Production for Ukraine Limited by Lack of Machine Tools
RealClearDefense skrev:The U.S. has enough raw materials, but the machine tools used to make ammunition aren’t easy to buy.
Verktygsmaskiner är alltid en flaskhals i tillverkningsindustrin. Ryssland har sannolikt ännu större problem.
Ja, verktygsmaskiner går det åt. Svarvar, fräsar, borrar. Och ugnar och smidespressar. Att tillverka artillerigranater är inte tekniskt svårt, det är egentligen inte så stor skillnad mellan den amerikanska 155 mm standardgranaten M795 och de granater som användes under WW2. Skillnaden ligger framför allt i tändrören, där M1156 Precision Guidance Kit representerar ett enorm tekniskt steg framåt genom att detta tändrör också gör granaten styrbar.

Som framgår av nedan finns inte så många tillverekare, eftersom man på senare år koncentrerat sig på extremt högteknologiska (och svindyra) vapen - det gamla eldrörsartilleriet har väl i viss mån betraktats som obsolet, och man har inte ägnat produktionskapacíteten någon större uppmärksamhet.
RealClearDefense skrev:U.S. officials said in April 2022 that they were ramping up production of 155mm shells, the most common caliber of the U.S. and NATO-ally artillery guns sent to Ukraine. Production is set to rise to 20,000 shells per month by spring 2023, and 40,000 per month by 2025, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said.

Even that rate, though, may not be enough to support Ukraine and keep U.S. inventories prepped for other wars across the globe. “This could become a crisis,” Cancian wrote.
Det finns två videoklipp som visar ungefär hur det går till att tillverka granater. Det är en del pang, bom, dunder och politiskt snack i början på varje klipp, varför jag anger var i filmen det intressanta börjar



Om Ryssland "sannolikt (har) ännu större problem" vet vi ingenting om.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: söndag 05 mars 2023 12:19 Cheap Australian drones made of cardboard helping Ukrainian troops
The Australian skrev:Cheap Australian drones made of cardboard and rubber bands are helping Ukrainian troops fight off Russian invaders, as part of a $33m commitment to supply the ­country with an array of unmanned systems.

At least 100 of the flat-packed drones are being supplied to Ukraine each month, allowing ­President Volodymyr Zelensky’s forces to drop bombs, deliver supplies and undertake vital reconnaissance missions.


The unmanned aerial vehicles, made by Melbourne-based Sypaq, are designed to be expendable on the battlefield, but some in Ukraine have undertaken 60 flights.


At somewhere between $1000 and $5000 each – the exact cost is classified – they can be used to overwhelm opposing forces in a contest of attrition, forcing the enemy to use more expensive hardware to take them out.
Som grädde på moset har väl dessa australienska budgetdrönare av kartong dessutom låg radarsignatur!
Aha, ytterligare en hackad betalvägg. Ja, ändamålet får väl helga medlem i enceladus-kollektivets propagandafabrik.

Modellflygplan av papp och gummisnoddar! Ett sådant skulle jag vilja ha. Som vanligt får jag städa upp efter Enceladus-kollektivet och förklara vad det är fråga om här. Australiensiska Sypaq tillverkar bl.a. olika UAV-er i en produktserie de kallar Corvo™ Autonomous Systems.

Mera om Corvo:

samt en riktig skrytvideo:

Pappflyglanet CORVO PPDS verkar vara den enklaste konstruktionen i Corvo-serien. Det är tveksamt om det kan bära någon vapenlast, möjligen av en handgranats storlek. Billig bör den ju vara i alla fall, t.ex. jämfört med ex.vis minihelikoptern Black Hornet Nano, som kostar 195.000 USD för ett system med två helikoptrar plus kontrollenheter.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10037
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Germany’s Scholz says China ‘declared it will not deliver’ weapons to Russia
POLITICO skrev:Yet speaking at Sunday’s press conference, which was held at the German government retreat in Meseberg north of Berlin, Scholz claimed that China had provided assurances that it would not send weapons to Russia.

“We all agree that there should be no arms deliveries, and the Chinese government has declared that it will not deliver any either,” the chancellor said in response to a question by POLITICO. “We insist on this and we are monitoring it,” he added.

Scholz’s comments came as a surprise because China has not publicly rejected the possibility of weapons deliveries to Russia. The chancellor appeared to suggest that Beijing had issued such reassurances directly to Germany.
Där rök Putins chans att vinna på slagfältet...

Russia and Iran secret nuclear deal would allow uranium transfers to Tehran's illicit weapons program: sources
Fox News skrev:In what could be a major setback to a new Iran nuclear deal, foreign intelligence sources speaking on the condition of anonymity, and who are familiar with the negotiations between Moscow and Tehran over Iran’s reported illegal nuclear weapons work, told Fox News Digital that Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to return enriched uranium that it received from Iran if a prospective atomic deal collapses. The State Department would neither confirm nor deny the reports.

The State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital, "We will not comment on purported secret intelligence reports, but in any event the JCP­OA has not been on the agenda for months." A spokesperson for the National Security Council deferred comment to the State Department.
Däremot fortsätter samarbetet mellan Ryssland och Iran.

Russia and Iran hesitate over co-operation as west warns of costs
Financial Times skrev:Russia has hesitated to buy ballistic missiles from Iran out of concern that Ukraine’s allies would in response supply Kyiv with long-range rockets, according to assessments by western officials.

Iran has sent hundreds of armed drones to Russia that have been used to attack Ukrainian critical infrastructure. Western capitals believe Tehran is open to further military co-operation with Moscow.


One significant factor, according to assessments in Nato countries, has been the threat of the US providing Kyiv with the long-sought ATACMS missile system, whose 300km range could reach deep into Russian held territory.


But officials acknowledge that Moscow may change its stance on Iranian ballistic missiles as shortages of its own precision-guided munitions become more acute and domestic production falters.


But military analysts said the west’s public warnings to Tehran would have limited leverage given that Iran is subject to extensive sanctions. “Iran is one of the few countries willing to sell to Russia,” said a US defence official.
Även denna vänskap är dock inte gränslös, kanske till följd av Irans tekniska underlägsenhet. Iranska missiler är ju en mindre fördel än amerikanska missiler.
Enceladus skrev: onsdag 01 mars 2023 20:43
Ukrinform skrev:"In fact, almost the only country that actually transfers (to Russia – ed.) more or less serious weapons is Iran. I won't tell you anything new here. There were reports that something was coming from North Korea, but we have no confirmation of this. And there is not a single case where we would record that some weapon came from North Korea and that it was used. Maybe we just haven't seen it yet or perhaps goes to cover some other needs. As for other countries, Russia is just trying to buy anything anywhere - because their problems are indeed significant. Serbia, for which everyone in Russia had high hopes, refused to send them weapons," Budanov said.


"Now they are trying with Myanmar. We will see what will come of this over time. But in fact, in terms of weapons supplies, Russia is limited to Iran. That’s as of today," added the GUR chief.
Dessutom verkar Ryssland inte ha någon annan än Iran...

Russia’s population nightmare is going to get even worse
The Economist skrev:A DEMOGRAPHIC TRAGEDY is unfolding in Russia. Over the past three years the country has lost around 2m more people than it would ordinarily have done, as a result of war, disease and exodus. The life expectancy of Russian males aged 15 fell by almost five years, to the same level as in Haiti. The number of Russians born in April 2022 was no higher than it had been in the months of Hitler’s occupation. And because so many men of fighting age are dead or in exile, women outnumber men by at least 10m.


All this began before the war and reflects Russia’s appalling covid pandemic. The official death toll from the disease was 388,091, which would be relatively low; but The Economist estimates total excess deaths in 2020-23 at between 1.2m and 1.6m. That would be comparable to the number in China and the United States, which have much larger populations. Russia may have had the largest covid death toll in the world after India and the highest mortality rate of all, with 850-1,100 deaths per 100,000 people.

If you add pandemic mortality to the casualties of war and the flight from mobilisation, Russia lost between 1.9m and 2.8m people in 2020-23 on top of its normal demographic deterioration. That would be even worse than during the disastrous early 2000s when the population was falling by roughly half a million a year.
Putin kan inte kopiera Stalins metoder med ett betydligt lägre födelsetal, en massiv utflyttning samt en katastrofal covidpolitik.

Press report: Putin hoped to break NATO after Ukraine invasion
EURACTIV skrev:Putin imagined that after the invasion of Ukraine, an ultimatum would be issued to the West to accept Russia’s occupation of the country and that a no-fly zone would be declared over Poland and the Baltic states.

After that, Russia’s “nuclear triad” of land, air and submarine “would be activated”, leading to the “withdrawal of several countries from NATO” and possibly the European Union, the source said. It added that many Western countries would be so terrified that they would even accept rocket attacks on Poland or the Baltic countries.


“It’s pretty plausible” Putin had such plans before he started the war in Ukraine, Keir Giles, a Russia expert at the foreign policy think-tank Chatham House, quoted by The Sun, has said.

“One of the reasons why Putin’s invasion of Ukraine took so many in the West by surprise was because it made no sense – unless you were within Putin’s mind,” he added.
Lever Putin i en parallell verklighet?
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6344
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Militär teknik och Ukrainakriget

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Praktiskt taget ingenting av ovanstående har bäring på trådens ämne utan hör hemma i "Inför ryssarnas invasion"-tråden. Tyvärr är det en genomgående tendens hos Enceladus-kollektivet att skräpa ned denna tråd med inlägg som inte hör hemma här, allt i syfte att utplåna skillnaden mellan trådarna.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
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