Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

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Livet handlar inte bara om spårvagnar och lokaltrafik. Här kan det diskuteras om andra ting. (endast för registrerade användare)
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Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

How Russia’s Offensive Ran Aground
The New York Times skrev:After months of pouring soldiers into eastern Ukraine, Russia’s progress essentially adds up to this: three small settlements and part of the city of Bakhmut, a high-profile battlefield with limited strategic value.

Compare that with what Moscow had hoped to achieve from its winter offensive by now: to seize the entire Donbas region — which contains dozens more settlements, some of them much larger than Bakhmut. To do that, Russia would have to recreate and win battles at the scale of Bakhmut again and again.


“The Russian military doesn’t have the force quality,” Mr. Kofman said. “It doesn’t necessarily seem to have the ammunition either. And it can’t replace junior leadership in such a short amount of time.”
Ständigt denna ammunition! Till skillnad från Ryssland backas Ukraina upp av två ekonomiska stormakter. Det märks i allt större utsträckning på slagfältet.

Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation
The New York Times skrev:Military analysts said the documents appear to have been modified in certain parts from their original format, overstating American estimates of Ukrainian war dead and understating estimates of Russian troops killed.

The modifications could point to an effort of disinformation by Moscow, the analysts said. But the disclosures in the original documents, which appear as photographs of charts of anticipated weapons deliveries, troop and battalion strengths, and other plans, represents a significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine.
Ständigt denna propaganda! Dokumenten visar hur USA planerar att förse Ukraina med vapen, men lyckligtvis inte hur själva offensiven ska genomföras.

Russia’s Ruble Slides on Capital-Flight Fears
WSJ skrev:The ruble was recently down 1.7% against the U.S. dollar and was on track for its lowest closing level since April 21, 2022, with 81.6 rubles buying $1. The currency has fallen 4.4% this week against the dollar and 5.2% against the euro. The ruble’s weakness runs counter to a broader trend among global currencies, which have gained against the dollar in recent weeks.

Ruble watchers attributed the currency’s latest decline to a report in Russian newspaper Kommersant that Russian President Vladimir Putin will allow gas producer Novatek to purchase Shell PLC’s stake in the Sakhalin-2 liquefied natural-gas project in Russia’s Far East for 95 billion rubles, equivalent to $1.2 billion.


Analysts had widely expected the ruble to weaken this year as energy sanctions eat into Russia’s revenues. But the currency’s fall in recent months has been swifter than expected. Capital Economics had expected the ruble to weaken to 75 per U.S. dollar by next year. It traded as low as 81.8 per U.S. dollar on Thursday.
Rubeln ligger och plaskar. Efter annekteringen av Krym gick växelkursen från cirka 30 rubel per dollar till 70 rubel per dollar. Nu faller kursen ytterligare.

Russian Economic Prospects 'Foggy' as Sanctions Cut Deep
The Moscow Times skrev:Dubien estimated that Putin could afford to bankroll the offensive in Ukraine for another "three to four years" but warned that the economy faces years of further backsliding.

"It has already lost the equivalent of a decade of development since 2014," he said, referring to the year when the West pummeled Russia with sanctions over the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.
Klockan tickar.

In Moscow, Putin’s future is all about the money
The Australian Financial Review skrev:The last article the Wall Street Journal’s Moscow correspondent Evan Gershkovich wrote before he was arrested on “spying” charges a week ago was about the state of Russia’s economy. For a Russian, it did not make pretty reading.

He painted a picture of sinking oil and gas revenues, soaring expenditure, stuttering industry and a weakening domestic economy. Not the kind of tidings Russian President Vladimir Putin likes to hear.


Ferris says many Russians do not hold the military in particularly high regard – its failings in Ukraine might not come as a total surprise – but “the ideology of dying for your country is very deeply inculcated”.
Trots stora motgångar på de militära, ekonomiska och politiska planen - som bekant pågår det åtminstone tre krig - är det fortfarande många ryssar som stödjer invasionen. Moralisk dövhet är ju ett sätt att överleva i Putins diktatur. Däremot vill en majoritet numera ha fredsförhandlingar, vad det nu innebär.
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: fredag 07 april 2023 7:12 Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation
The New York Times skrev:Military analysts said the documents appear to have been modified in certain parts from their original format, overstating American estimates of Ukrainian war dead and understating estimates of Russian troops killed.

The modifications could point to an effort of disinformation by Moscow, the analysts said. But the disclosures in the original documents, which appear as photographs of charts of anticipated weapons deliveries, troop and battalion strengths, and other plans, represents a significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine.
Ständigt denna propaganda! Dokumenten visar hur USA planerar att förse Ukraina med vapen, men lyckligtvis inte hur själva offensiven ska genomföras.
Ja, det här är en intressant sak. Även om ryssarna givetvis manipulerar det som de publicerar, i propagandistiskt syfte, så antyder NYT-artikeln att ryssarna faktiskt lyckats genomföra en avsevärd spionoperation (HUMINT). Det intressanta är nämligen inte vad ryssarna publicerar, utan vad de inte publicerar. Hur mycket information har de kommit över egentligen, och vilken? Och var har den läckt ut? Historiskt har delar av den amerikanska statsapparaten läckt som ett såll, framför allt presidentadministrationen i Vita Huset. NYT-artikeln antyder också att ukrainarna, åtminstone tidvis, inte litat på den amerikanska förmågan att hålla tätt, något som nu verkar ha besannats. Dessutom har ryssarna fått en chans att ge igen för gammal ost, USA offentliggjorde före krigsutbrottet mycket underrättelseinformation som tydde på en snart rysk attack mot Ukraina, något som de flesta (inklusive Ukraina) verkade ha svårt att tro på. Nu har amerikanerna fått något att fundera på. Hur mycket vet ryssarna egentligen?

HUMINT är nästan det enda som ryssarna är riktigt bra på, och en förmåga som de har övat upp sedan lillefars Stalins tid. Under Stalin, och de första 20 åren av kalla kriget var många av de ryska agenterna (nu talar jag om förrädare, inte ryssar utplanterade under falsk identitet, som ex.vis Anna Chapman, aka Anna Vasilyevna Kushchenko - säkert en av den gamle snuskgubben Putins favoriter) övertygade kommunister, vilket gjorde det möjligt för Stalins folk att penetrera en amerikanska och brittiska underrättelsetjänsterna, och inte minst atombombsprojektet Manhattan. Trots alla säkerhetsåtgärder hade Stalin åtminstone fyra centralt placerade agenter i det senare.

I ett stort amerikanskt signalspaningsprojekt (SIGINT) Venona, lyckades USA knäcka en hel del av den sovjetiska kryptotrafiken, vilket avslöjade en hel om omfattningen av det sovjetiska spionaget. Bl.a. genom att ryssarna ibland slarvade med användningen av det annars oknäckbara blankettkryptot. Det hjälpte emellertid inte, eftersom Sovjetunionen hade centralt placerade agenter inom både de amerikanska och brittiska säkerhetstjänsterna. Den mäktige FBI-chefen J. Edgar Hoover misstrodde ex.vis president Harry Truman - både av politiska skäl, eftersom Hoover var starkt konservativ, och eftersom Vita Huset redan då hade svårt att hålla tätt - och lät inte Truman få veta mer än nödvändigt om Venona, och knappt det ens.

Under senare delen av kalla kriget och efter Sovjetunionens kollaps har ryssarna mest förlitat sig på penningens makt. Ex.vis Stig Wennerström, och nu spionbröderna KIa. Att få in agenter i andra länders säkerhetstjänster har naturligtvis topprioritet för ryssarna: ... nd-agenter

Men all information - teknisk, industriell, vetenskaplig, ekonomisk etc. är ju värdefull. Som en sann rysk husmor sparar man allt man har samlat in, eftersom man aldrig vet när det kan komma till användning.
Senast redigerad av dr Cassandra Nojdh den fredag 07 april 2023 11:29, redigerad totalt 2 gång.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Ett annat sätt är ren utpressning. Genom att, i förekommande fall, skaffa fram komprometterade material - Kompromat, med en kommunistisk förkortning, kan man mer eller mindre tvinga någon att gå Ryssland tillhanda. Det finns ex.vis envisa rykten om att ryssarna sitter på Kompromat om Donald Trump. Detta är ex.vis ett exempel på Kompromat-utpressning, även om det tydligen inte var fråga om en underrättelseoperation denna gång: ... iksdagsman.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

The Kremlin throws cold water on China mediating peace in Ukraine as Macron urges Xi to 'bring Russia to its senses'
Business Insider skrev:The Kremlin on Thursday said there were "no prospects" for China to play the role of mediator in Moscow's unprovoked war against Ukraine at present, as French President Emmanuel Macron met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and urged him to "bring Russia to its senses."


That said, Xi showed no signs that China would provide Russia with weapons during a recent visit to Moscow.

In an interview with The New York Times this week, China's EU ambassador, Fu Cong, also downplayed the notion that Moscow and Beijing have a limitless friendship. "'No limit' is nothing but rhetoric," Fu said.
Står Ryssland och Kina verkligen på samma sida?

With lavish treatment of Macron, China's Xi woos France to "counter" U.S.
Reuters skrev:"In this sense, Macron is perhaps Beijing's most important partner in Europe," he said. Macron is often considered by diplomats to be an important driver of key policies within the EU.


Von der Leyen, who described China as "repressive" in a critical speech before her trip, cut a sometimes forlorn figure in Beijing, with a low-key greeting at the airport and not being invited to some state functions with Xi and Macron.

China's state-backed Global Times newspaper said in an editorial on Thursday: "It is clear to everyone that being a strategic vassal of Washington is a dead end. Making the China-France relationship a bridge for China-Europe cooperation is beneficial to both sides and to the world."
Xi och Macron hälsade på varandra på en enorm röd matta dekorerad med kinesiska och franska flaggor, till tonerna av bägge ländernas nationalsånger. EU-kommissionens ordförande von der Leyen fick däremot nöja sig med ett vardagligt mottagande. Är det Frankrikes president Macron som bestämmer i EU?

Macron en faktor bakom Kinas tystnad
SvD skrev:Vid förra årets högnivåmöte mellan USA och Taiwan trappade Peking upp militär närvaro runt Taiwan. Är det anmärkningsvärt att Peking inte reagerat starkare på Taiwanledarens USA-resa nu?


En viktig orsak, menar experter, kan vara att Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron nu befinner sig i Kina tillsammans med EU-kommissionens ordförande Ursula von der Leyen för att träffa president Xi Jinping. En kraftfull reaktion från Peking i det läget riskerar att påverka relationen med EU och Frankrike, som är ett av de EU-länder som Kina sätter sitt hopp till.


Frankrike är viktigt ekonomiskt för Kina, och vice versa. Men framför allt ser Peking Frankrike som det land i EU som traditionellt förhåller sig skeptiskt gentemot USA, samtidigt som det har stor påverkan på beslutsfattandet i unionen.
Macron uppskattar nog att betraktas som Europas ledare.

Russian rouble tumbles to its weakest since April 2022
TVP World skrev:The rouble is the third-worst performer among global currencies so far this year, behind only the Egyptian pound and the Argentine peso, Reuters calculations show.
Argentina har fantastiska förutsättningar för tillväxt med stora naturtillgångar och en högutbildad befolkning. Ändå brottas landet med ekonomiska kriser.

Brazilian president proposes Ukraine cede Crimea to Russia to stop the war
Ukrainska Pravda skrev:Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has proposed that Ukraine cede the Crimean peninsula to Russia to put an end to the war.


"[Russian President Vladimir Putin] cannot capture the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps we can discuss Crimea. But he has to think about his invasion […] But neither can Zelenskyy get everything he wants [...] The world needs peace [...] We must find a solution."
Brasilien är ett annat land som inte har lyckats utnyttja sin potential. Att välja mellan Lula och Bolsonaro är som att välja mellan Mélenchon och Le Pen...
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle
POLITICO skrev:Her comments come after Andriy Sybiha, deputy head of the president’s office, gave an interview to the Financial Times in which he said Ukraine might be ready to discuss the future of Crimea with Moscow if Kyiv succeeds in achieving its strategic goals on the battlefield.

“We are ready to open [a] diplomatic page to discuss this issue,” Sybiha said in the interview, referring to Kyiv’s long-planned counteroffensive. “It doesn’t mean that we exclude the way of liberation [of Crimea] by our army.”

Sybiha’s comments were presented as Ukraine expressing an interest in negotiations with Russia for the first time since it officially ruled out peace talks with Vladimir Putin last fall.
Ukraina är berett att diskutera Kryms framtid - om den ukrainska armén lyckas ta sig fram till halvöns norra gräns. Putin har anledning att förhandla:
The Moscow Times skrev:The Crimean bridge is a symbol of Putin's Russia: imperialism, corruption, propaganda and its effect on the people, as well as the West’s ineffective sanctions. On Saturday, this 300-billion-ruble symbol ($4.8 billion) went up in flames.
Denna bro överlever inte utan förhandlingar. Italiens nya regering kontrar med att ge grönt ljus till Messinabron - "Europas viktigaste bygge i modern tid".

'Just the way the Nazis did': Evidence suggests Russians are stealing art from Ukraine on a World War II scale
NBC News skrev:At the Kherson Regional Art Museum, a team of armed Russians in civilian clothes arrived along with several large trucks and buses. Over five days, they hauled away more than 11,000 pieces of art, including paintings, sculptures, graphics and other works from Ukraine and around the world, said Alina Dotsenko, the director of the museum.

“It was obvious that it was all planned. The decision to loot the museum was not made on the spot,” Dotsenko said. “It was all carefully planned.”


“Our research suggests that this looting is state-sponsored by Russia,” Hanson said.
Ockuperade områden plundras på konst och dit skickas bosättare från centrala Ryssland, precis som på Krym och i Donbas under de senaste nio åren.
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

China vows not to sell arms to any party in Ukraine war
AP News skrev:China won’t sell weapons to either side in the war in Ukraine, the country’s foreign minister said Friday, responding to Western concerns that Beijing could provide military assistance to Russia.


European leaders have issued similar warnings, even as they visited China, and the European Union’s foreign policy chief lashed out at Beijing, saying its support of Russia during the invasion was “a blatant violation” of its United Nations commitments.


A visit to Moscow last month by Chinese leader Xi Jinping underscored how Beijing is increasingly becoming the senior partner in the relationship as it provides Russia with an economic lifeline and political cover. China announced Friday that Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu would visit Russia next week for meetings with counterpart Sergei Shoigu and other military officials.
Macrons besök i Kina var tydligen inte förgäves.

Russia Oil Cap Works as Planned With Flows Up, Revenue Down
Bloomberg skrev:Sanctions on Russia appear to be working as intended, with oil exports in March the highest since Covid yet revenue down by nearly half from a year earlier, data from the International Energy Agency show.

Daily Russian oil exports averaged 8.1 million barrels a day last month, the highest since April 2020, “as deep price discounts attract traders willing to risk handling the barrels,” the IEA said in its monthly market report on Friday. Export revenue slightly rebounded from February lows, reaching $12.7 billion, but were still 43% down from a year earlier, the agency said.


The bans forced Russia to find alternative markets in the Middle East, and Latin America and expand supplies in Asia, yet the G-7 price caps have given these new clients the leverage to negotiate discounts. The restrictions stipulate that buyers from third countries can only access western services such as insurance and shipping only if they comply with the caps.
Allt går enligt plan, men inte Putins plan. Har Putin ens någon plan?

Ukraine’s Allies Fear War Breakthrough May Not Come Before Next Year
Bloomberg skrev:While a Ukrainian drive toward the city of Melitopol in the south, aimed at splitting Russian forces is widely expected, some European officials are now skeptical that can be achieved this year.

Instead, a more realistic target is now seen as a 30 km (20 mile) or so advance that would put Ukraine’s most capable artillery within range of Russian supply lines and create conditions for a deeper push in 2024, one of the officials said. Allies need to work now to enhance their production capacity and the support that will be needed to sustain those efforts, the official added.
Tokmak i år, Melitopol nästa år? Tiden är i alla fall inte på Putins sida.

New Leaked Documents Show Broad Infighting Among Russian Officials
The New York Times skrev:Taken together, the documents underscore several of the overarching reasons why, many analysts believe, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has failed to secure a military victory in Ukraine after more than 13 months of war.

Among them: infighting and finger-pointing among Russian agencies responsible for different aspects of the war, including the F.S.B. and the Defense Ministry. The leaked entry about the casualty numbers provides little context for the intelligence officials’ finding, but it reports that the F.S.B. is questioning the Defense Ministry’s own casualty count in discussions within the Russian government.


The new documents also provide fresh details about a very public dispute in February in which Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the business mogul who runs the Wagner force, accused Russian military officials of withholding urgently needed ammunition from his fighters. Mr. Putin attempted to resolve the dispute personally by calling Mr. Prigozhin and Mr. Shoigu into a meeting believed to have taken place on Feb. 22, one document reports.
Föga förvånande finns det en djup oenighet om olika aspekter av kriget i Rysslands maktcentrum Kreml.

Samtidigt presenterar Tyskland den nya stridsvagnen Leopard 2A8 med israeliska Trophy APS, vilket innebär att den förmodligen inte skickas till Ukraina.
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Ukraine’s counter-offensive is drawing near
The Economist skrev:One problem for Ukraine is how to achieve surprise. If it masses its forces at a particular spot, Russia might detect those preparations and shore up its lines accordingly. That puts a premium on deception, notes Mick Ryan, a retired Australian major-general. Ukraine will have to conceal troop concentrations, headquarters and logistics hubs. “It could also mean we will see lots of smaller mini-offensives rather than a couple of large ones,” says Mr Ryan, “just to confuse the Russian targeting cycle and to deceive them about Ukraine’s main effort.” Ukraine has some experience of this: it cleverly used last summer’s first counter-offensive in Kherson to distract from a surprise attack in Kharkiv in the east.

If Ukraine can achieve tactical surprise, the next question is whether it can punch through Russian defences and then send more forces quickly through the gap. It will need mobile air defences to keep Russian planes at bay; it is not clear if it has enough. It will also have to cross rivers and minefields—obstacles which have consumed entire Russian brigades in the east—as well as a formidable network of Russian trenches and fortifications (see map). “There is no military endeavour that is more difficult to plan, orchestrate and execute than combined-arms obstacle breaching,” says Mr Ryan.


That will not be easy. Mr Putin is thought to remain convinced that time is on his side. He has reinforced failure at every turn, sticking with the war after his defeat at the gates of Kyiv and then frittering away hundreds of thousands of mobilised recruits on a futile offensive around the town of Bakhmut since January. The DIA assessment, first published by the Washington Post, says that even if Ukraine were to inflict “unsustainable losses on Russian forces”, Russia would prefer to conduct a fresh mobilisation rather than enter negotiations. On April 12th Russia’s parliament passed a new law allowing the defence ministry to issue electronic—rather than physical—summons for military service, making it easier to dragoon recruits. Another round seems inevitable.
Putin tycks fortfarande tro att han har tiden på sin sida. Därmed blir det inga förhandlingar på länge.

Russians boasted that just 1% of fake social profiles are caught, leak shows
Washington Post skrev:The Russian government has become far more successful at manipulating social media and search engine rankings than previously known, boosting lies about Ukraine’s military and the side effects of vaccines with hundreds of thousands of fake online accounts, according to documents recently leaked on the chat app Discord.


Twitter employees also say they worry that Musk’s cutbacks have hurt the platform’s ability to fight influence operations. Propaganda campaigns and hate speech have increased since Musk took over the site in October, according to employees and outside researchers. Russian misinformation promoters even bought Musk’s new blue-check verifications.


But even if Russia’s fake accounts escaped detection only 90 percent of the time instead of 99 percent, that would indicate Russia has become far more proficient at disseminating its views to unknowing consumers than in 2016, when it combined bot accounts with human propagandists and hacking to try to influence the course of the U.S. presidential election, the experts said.
Har Putin lyssnat för mycket på sin propaganda?

Lavrov tackar för stöd från Brasilien
DN skrev:Brasiliens utrikesminister Mauro Vieira, som höll en presskonferens tillsammans med Lavrov, kritiserade inte Ryssland för landets anfallskrig mot Ukraina utan lyfte i stället fram initiativet att skapa en fredsmäklargrupp. Andra länder som bjudits in till att delta i den är Kina, Indien och Indonesien. Brasilien ställer sig också bakom Rysslands version om att sanktionerna mot landet är olagliga.


För att få Ryssland till förhandlingsbordet har Brasiliens president ställt sig bakom Vladimir Putins påstående att Ukraina provocerat fram kriget genom att vilja gå med i Nato och EU. I helgen sa Lula da Silva att ”beslutet att kriga tagits av båda länderna.”

Han har bett USA att sluta ”uppmuntra kriget” och uppmanat EU att visa intresse för fredsförhandlingar i stället för att skicka vapen till kriget. Han har också föreslagit att Ukraina ger upp Krim för att ett fredsavtal ska kunna slutas.
Brasiliens president Lula da Silva drömmer om att få mäkla fred mellan Ryssland och Ukraina. Hittills verkar han bara förhandla med Putin.

Brazil and Sweden strengthen ties on Gripen and KC-390 aircraft programs
AeroTime skrev:Brazil is considering expanding its initial order of Gripen E fighters, while Embraer and Saab study offering the C-390 airlifter to Sweden.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has expressed the need to increase the initial order of Saab Gripen E fighters from 36 to 40 aircraft.
Samtidigt diskuteras ett möjligt militärt samarbete mellan Sverige och Brasilien.

BAE Systems to test CV90 combat vehicle in Brazil before possible purchase decision
Reuters skrev:Sweden, where the vehicle is manufactured, is the largest operator of the CV90, with other operators including the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Estonia.

"We see the potential opportunity here in Brazil as positive enough that we are willing and interested to bring the vehicle to demonstrate it," Collins said.
Samarbetet mellan Sverige och Brasilien begränsar sig inte till stridsflygplanet Gripen.
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Russian Memo Said War Leaves Moscow Too Reliant on Chinese Tech
Bloomberg skrev:A previously unreported assessment from inside Russia’s Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media suggests that some senior officials are worried that Chinese companies such as Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. could come to dominate the Russian market and may pose a risk to the country’s information security and networks.

European officials familiar with the document said it suggests that Russia has backed itself into a corner since it struggles to produce advanced technology domestically and has been cut off from other foreign markets following the invasion of Ukraine. The report, drafted in the summer of 2022, highlights chips, network devices and electronics as areas of particular vulnerability.


The Russian worries about becoming over reliant on companies such as Huawei, China Mobile Ltd. and others echo some of the concerns raised in the US and parts of Europe about the security risk involved in using Chinese technology in sensitive parts of their information networks.


Russian officials still have ambitions of producing critical equipment themselves and people who spoke with Bloomberg say the memo suggests they are worried that their reliance on China may also hold back their domestic industry. That said, the Russian military started trying to replace foreign-made components with locally produced parts in its weapons systems years ago, and that effort has mostly failed, underlining the challenges Moscow faces in replicating advanced technology.
Putin har som bekant målat in sig i ett hörn. Nu är det för sent att inse att utrustning från Huawei kan vara en säkerhetsrisk.

US, Ukraine Allies Consider Near-Total Ban on Exports to Russia
Bloomberg skrev:Some of Ukraine’s key allies including the US are considering moving closer to an outright ban on most exports to Russia, a potentially significant tightening of economic pressure on President Vladimir Putin over his war.

Group of Seven officials are discussing the idea ahead of a leaders summit in Japan in May, according to people familiar with the matter, and the aim would be to include European Union member states in the crackdown. The proposal is still being debated and could change, the people said.


So far sanctions have almost halved the value of EU and G-7 exports to Russia, with limits on everything from electronics to luxury items. That still leaves $66 billion worth of goods from Europe, the US, Canada and Japan going in, according to the Geneva-based Trade Data Monitor.
Kan snaran kring Rysslands ekonomi dras åt ytterligare utan att drabba världsekonomin?

Germany to ban new gas and oil heating from next year
Financial Times skrev:The bill, which resolves a dispute between liberals and Greens in Olaf Scholz’s three-party coalition, stipulates that any heating system installed in new or old buildings after January 1, 2024 must be 65 per cent based on renewable energy. Exemptions will be made for people on low incomes.


The measure will speed up the shift to heat pumps, solar panels and hydrogen boilers powered by renewables in German buildings. It is seen as a crucial part of Berlin’s efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.


The bill also serves a strategy of reducing Germany’s dependence on imports of natural gas. Berlin has been working on several fronts to shore up its energy security since Russia cut gas supplies after its invasion of Ukraine.
Tysklands gasberoende utgör en säkerhetspolitisk risk. Äntligen förbjuds nya olje- och gasvärmesystem i landet. Men är vätgas verkligen ett alternativ?

Putin's double visited Kherson Oblast – Ukraine's National Security Council Secretary
Ukrainska Pravda skrev:Oleksii Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, is convinced that it was not Russian President Vladimir Putin who visited the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Luhansk oblasts but one of his doubles.


"Well, first of all, Putin was not there. This is a well-known fact. In order to communicate with the real Putin, you must spend at least 10–14 days in quarantine. There was no Putin there. There was an ordinary double, of which he has more than one; this is also a well-known fact."
Ukrainska myndigheter hävdar att det inte var den ryska presidenten – utan en dubbelgångare - som var på plats i Cherson och Luhansk. Stalin sägs ha haft åtminstone två dubbelgångare: Rashid and Dadaev.

Stoltenberg: Ukraina hör hemma i Nato
Göteborgs-Posten skrev:Nato hade helt lyckats hemlighålla Stoltenbergs besök i den ukrainska huvudstaden. Många stats- och regeringschefer från väst har visat stöd till Ukraina genom besök i presidentpalatset. Men för första gången markerade Nato genom sin chef det militära allvaret i fronten mot den ryska invasionsstyrkan.

– Låt mig vara tydlig: Ukrainas rättmätiga plats är i den euro-atlantiska familjen, sade Stoltenberg på en presskonferens. Enligt Natochefen handlade möten med den ukrainska regeringen om mer omfattande stödprogram från Nato.


Dessutom underströk Natochefen att nytt materiel är på väg, och nämnde de 14 stridsvagnar av typ Leopard som Danmark och Nederländerna lovat att leverera.
Däremot gör Natos generalsekreterare Jens Stoltenberg ett överraskningsbesök på riktigt i Kyjiv. Dessutom får Ukraina fler stridsvagnar av typ Leopard 2!
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: måndag 17 april 2023 23:22 Brazil and Sweden strengthen ties on Gripen and KC-390 aircraft programs
AeroTime skrev:Brazil is considering expanding its initial order of Gripen E fighters, while Embraer and Saab study offering the C-390 airlifter to Sweden.

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has expressed the need to increase the initial order of Saab Gripen E fighters from 36 to 40 aircraft.
Samtidigt diskuteras ett möjligt militärt samarbete mellan Sverige och Brasilien.

BAE Systems to test CV90 combat vehicle in Brazil before possible purchase decision
Reuters skrev:Sweden, where the vehicle is manufactured, is the largest operator of the CV90, with other operators including the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Estonia.

"We see the potential opportunity here in Brazil as positive enough that we are willing and interested to bring the vehicle to demonstrate it," Collins said.
Samarbetet mellan Sverige och Brasilien begränsar sig inte till stridsflygplanet Gripen.
Att kalla svensk vapenexport för "militärt samarbete" är väl att ta i. Brasilien vill gärna kränga transportflygplanet Embraer KC-390 till Sveriges flygvapen, men så blir det nog inte


Sambandet med kriget i Ukraina är dessutom homepatiskt förtunnat!
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Macron ‘working on secret plan’ with China to end Ukraine war
The Telegraph skrev:The French believe talks between Russia and Ukraine could happen as soon as this summer, anonymous sources told Bloomberg.

Any future negotiations would be dependent on several conditions, including a Ukraine’s spring offensive succeeding, putting Kyiv in a position of strength during talks, sources said.

Bloomberg said an official from Mr Macron’s office had confirmed the plan for Mr Bonne to speak to Mr Wang. He declined to comment on the details, adding that France’s allies have been informed of any French initiative.
Lyckas Macron få Kina att agera för att Ryssland ska avsluta sitt krig i Ukraina efter en framgångsrik ukrainsk motoffensiv?

RMB-based trade hasn’t worked out for Moscow
Asia Times skrev:In a recently-published research report the Bank of Russia, the country’s central bank, explains that Russian exporters and importers suffer from currency risks when settling their trade in the non-convertible and volatile renminbi. It also says there are not enough derivatives for traders to hedge the Chinese currency.


“When we pay for goods of ‘friendly countries’ in their currencies, some countries require us to pay in dollars and euros. This creates additional difficulties to us,” it says.

It says Russia will still have to obtain enough “currencies of unfriendly states,” a term that refers to dollars and euros, to buy foreign goods. It adds that selling renminbi for these currencies will increase Russia’s cost of imports while the involved Chinese banks may face secondary sanctions.
Ryssland vill handla med Kinas valuta, men det vill inte Rysslands "vänner" - kanske inte ens Kina!

Russia plans to Make in India to resolve payment problem
The New Indian Express skrev:India and Russia have devised a novel solution to the payment problem they faced after the Western sanctions against the latter following the Ukraine invasion. The workaround is to invest the bulk of Russian earnings from India in setting up industries in India to manufacture products that can be exported to the Russian Federation.

India’s imports from Russia increased four times over the last financial year to $46 billion as Russia replaced Iraq as India’s top crude oil supplier last month. India is trying to get Russia to accept payments in rupee. Russia is against it, saying it has no use for such huge sums of Indian currency as its imports from India are only a fraction of what its exports to the country earn.
Kan BRICS-länderna inte enas om en gemensam valuta för handel?

Ukraine planned attacks on Russian forces in Syria, leaked document shows
Washington Post skrev:Ukraine’s military intelligence agency developed plans to conduct covert attacks on Russian forces in Syria using secret Kurdish help, according to a leaked top-secret U.S. intelligence document.

The introduction of a new battlefield — thousands of miles from the war in Ukraine — appeared designed to impose costs and casualties on Russia and its Wagner paramilitary group, which is active in Syria, and possibly force Moscow to redeploy resources from Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky directed a halt to the planning in December, but the leaked document, based on intelligence gathered as of Jan. 23, lays out in detail how the planning progressed and how such a campaign could proceed if Ukraine revived it.
Vad skulle Erdogan tycka om att Ukraina ger sig in i Syrien - på kurdernas sida?

Russia's Gazprom seeks to liberalise domestic gas market - Kommersant
Reuters skrev:Russian energy giant Gazprom has asked the government to liberalise wholesale gas prices for domestic industrial consumers in some regions as it faces a steep decline in exports, Kommersant daily reported on Thursday.
Vad har Ryssland att erbjuda utan billig gas? :roll:
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Kremlin tries to build antiwar coalition in Germany, documents show
Washington Post skrev:The Kremlin’s proposed strategy would draw together two German factions with long-standing pro-Russian stances. Wagenknecht, 53, is a former Communist who grew up in East Germany and has clashed several times with the more traditional leadership of Die Linke, including over her populist stance against unauthorized immigration and her claims that the party was too focused on left-wing academic elites, not the working class.

Opinion polls show that her popularity is growing nationally and she is openly mulling forming a new party. German pundits predict she would draw support from the AfD’s base, and overall could garner up to 24 percent of the national vote, according to a recent poll cited by the German magazine Der Spiegel, which just put Wagenknecht on its cover.
Hästskoteorin slår till igen!

Stödet till Ukraina måste ge resultat – annars riskerar det att sina
DN skrev:I mars 2022 bad Ukraina för första gången om moderna stridsvagnar. Det dröjde tio månader tills Storbritannien blev först ut att säga ja. Ytterligare en vecka hann gå innan Tysklands förbundskansler Olaf Scholz meddelade att ett tiotal västländer enats om att skicka de eftertraktade Leopard 2-stridsvagnarna till Ukraina.

Det finns exempel på beslut som fattats betydligt snabbare. När Polen under förra veckan bad den tyska försvarsministern om tillåtelse att exportera stridsflygplan av modellen Mig-29, tillverkade i Östtyskland, fick landet tummen upp efter bara ett par timmar.


I Tyskland har regeringen länge gått en politisk balansgång mellan invånare som anser att landet inte borde skicka några vapen över huvud taget, och de som tycker att landets stöd är pinsamt svagt och långsamt. I USA får flödet av vapen och pengar till Ukraina hård kritik av tongivande republikaner.
Än så länge har Ryssland inte lyckats påverka Tysklands stöd till Ukraina - snarare tvärtom!

Ukraine's nuclear energy company Energoatom plans to build 20 nuclear power units in Ukraine
Ukrainska Pravda skrev:Energoatom, Ukraine's nuclear energy company, and the US company Holtec International have signed an agreement to build up to 20 nuclear power units with SMR-160 reactors in Ukraine.


Energoatom has said that the agreement envisages the construction of up to 20 SMR-160 reactors in Ukraine, the implementation of the first pilot project, and the achievement of the minimum regulated reactor capacity and grid connection by March 2029.


The SMR-160 is a 160 MW light water pressurised reactor that uses low-enriched uranium as fuel and has the flexibility to produce process heat for industrial use and hydrogen production.
Ukraina satsar också på vätgas, men från kärnkraft!
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: fredag 21 april 2023 21:02 Ukraine's nuclear energy company Energoatom plans to build 20 nuclear power units in Ukraine
Ukrainska Pravda skrev:Energoatom, Ukraine's nuclear energy company, and the US company Holtec International have signed an agreement to build up to 20 nuclear power units with SMR-160 reactors in Ukraine.


Energoatom has said that the agreement envisages the construction of up to 20 SMR-160 reactors in Ukraine, the implementation of the first pilot project, and the achievement of the minimum regulated reactor capacity and grid connection by March 2029.


The SMR-160 is a 160 MW light water pressurised reactor that uses low-enriched uranium as fuel and has the flexibility to produce process heat for industrial use and hydrogen production.
Ukraina satsar också på vätgas, men från kärnkraft!
Tja, skriva på papper kan man ju göra. SMR-Small modular reactors är ju ex.vis det svenska högerblockets kelgris, trots att konstruktionerna bara existerar på ritbordet, och ibland knappt det ens. Det är faktiskt bara en konstruktion, tryckvattenreaktorn NuScale som är framme i slutstadiet av licensieringsprocessen hos den amerikanska kärnkraftinspektionen USNRC: ... ities.html

Holtecs SMR-160, en konstruktion som liknar NuScale, ligger efter.

Det viktigaste för Ukrainas energiförsörjning vore om man kunde kasta ut ryssarna från Zaporizhzhia kärnkraftverk, Europas största. Ukraina har som synes tre andra kärnkraftverk: utöver Zaporizhzhia ... raine.aspx
Total elektrisk effekt i Zaporizhzhia är 6 x 950 = 5.700 MW. 20 st SMR-160 skulle, som jämförelse, maximalt 3.200 MW
Frågan är hur mycket skada ryssarna redan har ställt till med i Zaporizhzhia. USA varnar i alla fall ryssarna, vilket de sistnämnda väl i stort sett struntar i:
US warns Russia not to touch American nuclear technology at Ukrainian nuclear plant
Tror USA på detta själva ens? Rosatom har givetvis i detalj studerat all amerikansk teknologi som ev. kan finnas installerad i reaktorerna.

Möjligen kan man tolka avtalet med Holtec som att Ukraina anser/inser (stryk det som ej önskas) att Zaporizhzhia är förlorat som kraftproducent för lång tid framåt. Ev. vätgasproduktion är väl av underordnad betydelse, det viktigaste är att förse det ukrainska samhället i stort med elenergi, med tanke på att ryssarna även har skadat Kakhovkareservoaren och kraftverket vid Kakhovkadammen för lång tid framåt:
A shrinking reservoir signals Ukraine and Russia are waging a dangerous water war
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: måndag 24 april 2023 20:49 ‘The View’ audience breaks out in cheers after hearing Tucker Carlson leaving Fox
The Hill skrev:“He’s been the biggest purveyor of pro-Russia talking points,” co-host Alyssa Farrah-Griffin, a former White House communications director under former President Trump, said of Carlson. “So it’s a good day for the Ukrainian people.”

Fox announced on Monday that Carlson and the network “mutually agreed” to go separate ways, effective immediately. Carlson’s final show was last Friday, and an interim show will be held with rotating hosts until a replacement is found.
Programledaren Tucker Carlson lämnar det amerikanska tv-bolaget Fox News. Beskedet kommer kort efter att Fox News tvingades betala miljardskadestånd till rösträkningsbolaget Dominion. Har Ryssland förlorat sitt främsta propagandavapen i USA? Även Trump - som väntar flera rättsprocesser - hänger löst.
Tyvärr finns ju både Tucker Carlson och Fox News kvar, även om de sägs ha gått "skilda vägar". Och den här mannen

Rupert Murdoch. En :evil: -el på att hänga med, karln är ju född 1931

Det föreligger f.ö. olika uppgifter om varför Carlson fick sparken: Murdoch själv kickade Tucker Carlson.
Men Carlson hittar nog en ny sk. plattform, det brukar högerextremister göra. Som t.ex. det här erbjudandet från den svartklädde fascisten Vladimir Rudolfovitj Solovjov: Tucker Carlson erbjuds jobb i rysk tv: ”Välkommen”
СОЛОВЬЁВ/Telegram skrev:Dear Tucker.

Today, the United States mainstream media has lost its last remaining voice of reason. As the rest of the world we have heard about your decision to quit working for Fox Corp. and wholeheartedly support your decision. You have our admiration and support in any endeavor you choose for yourself next, be it running for president of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project. We'll happily offer you a job if you wish to carry on as a presenter and host! You are always welcome in Russia and in Moscow, we wish you the best of luck.


Soloviev live team
An offer you can't refuse?!

Och så har vi ju Ronald DeSantis, även om han för tillfället fått manövrera sig in i någon slags medelväg, åtminstone verbalt: Ron DeSantis forced into U-turn after calling Ukraine war ‘territorial dispute’

Åtta månader kvar till presidentvalskampanjerna i USA börjar!

Märkligt med den amerikanska rättsordningen, där det är möjligt att bli dömd även för att ha förtalat företag - sk. ekonomiskt förtal. Det är en rättsordning som även vissa högerreaktionära svenska jurister propagerat för, hittills utan effekt. Men det kanske kommer. Sverige tar ju efter det mesta från Big Brother nu!
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

En artikel The Warzone berättar att turkskurkarna nu för första gången provflugit sitt skolflygplan/lätta stridsflygplan Hürjet, som jag tidigare skrivit om här: viewtopic.php?p=412459#p412459


Denna plantyp är avsevärt mer kapabel än ex.vis tjeckiska L-39NG, med bl.a. överljudskapacitet och kan närmast jämföras med sydkoreanska T-50/FA-50, som Polen köpt in ett gäng av.

I artikeln spekuleras i om Turkiets intresse för att köpa in ytterligare F-16-plan nu kan avta, om de får Hürjet i serieproduktion inom rimlig tid, i avvaktan på sitt F-22-liknande flygplan TF-X. Det bygger dock på att turkarna verkligen får köpa in den amerikanska General Electric F404-GE-102-motorn för detta ändamål.

I vart fall har banditen Erdogan fått ännu ett kort i leken inför presidentvalet: ... yd7egtAAAA
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Russia faces major challenges as oil earnings decline and ruble depreciates, states KSE Institute
Kyiv School of Economics skrev:Mounting pressure on the energy sector, a growing budget deficit, shrinking foreign investment, pressure on reserves, and an exodus of skilled workers will worsen Russia’s economic recession in 2023, according to the latest KSE Institute Russia Chartbook.


Unfavorable external conditions are weakening the Russian ruble; it has depreciated by 33% against the US dollar since October 2022. With no expected increase in foreign exchange flows to the Russian Federation, the ruble’s depreciation is likely to continue.

To finance the budget deficit, Russian authorities are forced to use the National Welfare Fund. Last year, they did so to the tune of 3 trillion rubles. However, more than 40% of NWF assets are not liquid, and according to KSE Institute experts, liquid assets could be largely depleted by the end of the year.
Det ser mörkt ut för Rysslands ekonomi. Det kanske inte blir någon kollaps, men det är bara en tidsfråga innan levnadsstandarden sjunker rejält.

Russia Suffers Global Rebuke After Invasion
Gallup skrev:Counter to some impressions, the U.S. and its allies aren’t the only ones who care about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Gallup surveys in 137 countries show Russia’s image has suffered worldwide since it began its war in Ukraine. For the first time in Gallup’s history of tracking ratings of world leaders, the majority of the world disapproves of Russia’s leadership.


6. Regionally, Latin American populations were most likely to shift toward disapproval of the Kremlin. Most leaders in the region have tried to maintain a neutral stance on the conflict, with only Costa Rica joining in sanctions regimes against Moscow, but residents in most Latin American countries were less ambivalent. In the region, median disapproval of Russia’s leadership climbed from 31% in 2021 to 61% in 2022. Conversely, median approval fell from 37% to 16%.
Ryssland tappar inte bara ekonomiskt och militärt, utan även diplomatiskt. Särskilt illa går det i Latinamerika som tidigt erkände Holodomor som folkmord.

South Africa’s president and ANC sow confusion over leaving ICC
The Guardian skrev:Putin was indicted by the ICC in March for his role in the Russian abduction of Ukrainian children, and the court issued an arrest warrant. But Putin has been invited to a summit in South Africa of the Brics group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in August and the Kremlin has said the Russian leader will take a decision nearer the time on whether he would attend.

Ramaphosa told reporters on Tuesday: “The governing party, the ANC, has taken the decision that it is prudent that South Africa should pull out of the ICC largely because of the manner in which the ICC has been seen to be dealing with these types of problems.”


However, the government recently suspended those proceedings in the face of legal obstacles, and on Tuesday the ANC’s national executive committee put out a statement noting the decision at the party conference this year that “the ANC and the South African government must rescind the withdrawal from the ICC court”. At the same time it urged ratification of a protocol to lay the ground for an African court of justice and human rights.
Sydafrikas president Cyril Ramaphosa vill att landet lämnar den Internationella brottmålsdomstolen ICC, men det styrande partiet ANC tvekar.

South Africa at Risk of Becoming ‘Failed State’, Ex-Central Banker Mminele Says
Bloomberg skrev:The chorus of business executives warning South Africa to revive economic growth or risk becoming a failed state is getting louder.


Mminele, chairman-designate of Nedbank Group Ltd., joins MTN Group Ltd.’s Chief Executive Officer Ralph Mupita in warning against complacency. South Africa has an unemployment rate of 32.7%, one of the highest globally according to the International Monetary fund, and is suffering from an energy crisis, which is increasing costs for companies. That’s making it difficult to create jobs needed to reduce poverty and inequality.

The country needs a “higher sense of urgency in tackling these issues and much stronger implementation frameworks and stronger accountability frameworks,” Mminele said. “Otherwise, we are indeed, as many have said, running the risk of becoming a failed state because we’re already on borrowed time.”
Samtidigt brottas Sydafrika med stora ekonomiska problem. Rysslands övriga allierade - Belarus, Syrien, Iran och Nordkorea - är inte direkt några förebilder.

Russia can fund war in Ukraine for another year despite sanctions, leaked document says
The Washington Post skrev:U.S. intelligence holds that Russia will be able to fund the war in Ukraine for at least another year, even under the heavy and increasing weight of unprecedented sanctions, according to leaked U.S. military documents.


Even if Russia in theory could fund the war for another year, the leaked assessment does not explore other factors that could affect Russia’s ability to fight, such as ammunition expenditure and the need to recruit or conscript new soldiers.


Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, U.S. intelligence found, had drafted a letter to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in early March to seek backing for contingency plans to avoid a “potentially embarrassing collapse” of Russian state-controlled entities such as the International Investment Bank, the International Bank for Economic Cooperation and the Eurasian Investment Bank, because of sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies.
Klockan tickar - för Putin.
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Ukraine has received 98% of promised combat vehicles: NATO chief
Al Jazeera skrev:NATO allies and partner countries have provided Ukraine with 1,550 armoured vehicles and 230 tanks to form units and help it retake territory from Russian forces, the military alliance’s chief said.


“In total, we have trained and equipped more than nine new Ukrainian armoured brigades. This will put Ukraine in a strong position to continue to retake occupied territory,” Stoltenberg told a news conference.


His comments came a day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping had a “long and meaningful” phone call in their first known contact since Russia’s full-scale invasion more than a year ago.
Nu har Zelenskyj äntligen fått Xis uppmärksamhet - efter att Kinas ambassadör i Frankrike ifrågasatte forna Sovjetstaters rätt till självständighet.

Russian army commander arrested for ‘selling tank engines’
The Telegraph skrev:A Russian army officer has been arrested for allegedly stealing the engines out of T-90 battle tanks.

The Kommersant newspaper reported that Colonel Alexander Denisov is accused of stealing seven V-92S2 engines worth 20.5 million roubles (around £200,000) between November 2021 and April 2022.


Each engine weighs roughly one tonne and can generate 1,000 horsepower. When it was introduced in 2000, the V-92S2 engine was considered the best and most powerful tank engine in the Russian army.
Enligt de läckta dokumenten har Ukraina ett övertag i antalet stridsvagnar på slagfältet. Den ryska korruptionen kan vara en av orsakerna.

Arson by proxy: How phone scammers are tricking older and vulnerable Russians into setting fire to conscription offices
Meduza skrev:For more than six months, senior citizens throughout Russia have been setting fire to military conscription offices and banks, not bothering to hide from police officers or security cameras. After being arrested, they’ve proceeded to give implausible explanations that often involve debts or loans. At least 16 such cases have been reported publicly. Almost all of these arson attempts have been unsuccessful, though the authorities are investigating at least two incidents as terrorist attacks. The independent news outlet Mediazona recently published an overview of these cases, finding that unusual phone scams are a root cause. In English, Meduza summarizes the report.
Dagligen rapporteras om mystiska bränder, misstänkta sabotage och aktioner mot militära installationer i Ryssland. Hur lättlurade är ryssar egentligen?

Russia stops reporting official oil and gas extraction data
Meduza skrev:The Russian government has temporarily paused reporting the statistics of oil and natural gas extraction by its petroleum industry.


Petroleum industry data is essential to economic forecasting. Without it, independent analysts will not be able to predict the country’s GDP or model other macroeconomic processes.
Ryssland slutar att publicera ännu mer statistik. Har Putin något att dölja? Tydligen fungerar sanktionerna!

Ryska fartyget SS-750 befann sig vid Nord Stream
Aftonbladet skrev:Alla skepp hade sin transpondrar på och kunde spåras. Utom ett: SS-750.

– Eftersom skeppet inte hade sina transpondrar på fanns det inga totala bevis på att det varit där. Men så kontaktade den här danska journalisten på Information det danska försvaret. Då fick han bevis på att de varit där. Det är en lång historia kort.
Kan det trots allt vara Ryssland som ligger bakom sprängningarna av gasledningarna Nord Stream 1 och 2?
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

Pakistan to Supply Anza Mark-II MANPADS to Ukraine
Militarnyi skrev:Pakistan-made Anza Mark-II portable anti-aircraft missile systems are being prepared for Ukraine.


Polish PHU Lechmar LLC will act as an intermediary buyer, while Canada-based Tradent Global Solutions will act as an intermediary consultant.


Recall that recently it became known that Ukrainian gunners began to use Yarmuk rockets made in Pakistan. The Ukrainian military also uses Pakistani 122mm projectiles for Soviet-made artillery. In particular, the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems of Ukrainian forces are equipped with Pakistani projectiles.
Pakistan planerar att skicka egentillverkade luftvärnsrobotar av typen Anza Mark-II till Ukraina. Står hela världen på Ukrainas sida?

Ukrainsk klubb upplöstes – återuppstår i Brasilien
SvD skrev:AA Batel – ett tredjedivisionslag från staden Prudentópolis, i delstaten Paraná, som har en stor ukrainsk diaspora – har nu tagit över Mariupols namn, matchställ och klubbemblem.

– FC Mariupol sträckte ut handen, och det var enkelt att ta beslutet att omfamna och hylla klubben, säger Alex Lopes, AA Batels ordförande, till AFP.
Även Brasilien hjälper Ukraina - på sitt sätt. Den ockuperade staden Mariupols fotbollsklubb lever vidare i Brasilien.

Romania is not accepted in Schengen because of Russian influences in Austria, says a former US ambassador
Romania Posts English skrev:“I think that the Austrians, Hungarians, and Dutch should be ashamed of blocking Romania from entering Schengen. It is a mixture of protectionism of the agricultural industry, of the port in Holland, and Russian influence in Hungary and Austria, in my opinion, that causes them to block. (…) The reasons given by the Austrian Minister of the Interior that there are human trafficking syndicates in Romania are unbelievable. The largest such unions are in the Netherlands, France and Western Europe. It’s a shame and Romania must have the courage to stop accepting this non-acceptance in Schengen,” said Zuckerman.

Adrian Zuckerman was the US ambassador to Romania during 2019-2021.
Österrike-Ungern fortsätter att vara Europas femtekolonnare, trots att personalunionen upplöstes efter första världskriget.

How A German Gas Giant's Investments May Be Fueling Russia's Military, Including In Ukraine
RFE/RL skrev:Siberian hydrocarbon fields co-owned by German oil and gas giant Wintershall and Russia’s Gazprom have been linked to fuel supplies used by Russian military and intelligence units, including some believed to be fighting in Ukraine, a new investigation has found.
Fossila bränslen är roten till en stor del av världens konflikter. Dessutom är energijätten Gazprom i full färd med att bygga ut en egen privatarmé.

Ryssland: ”Fientliga drönare” bakom storbrand
DN skrev:Branden bröt ut strax före klockan 4 under natten till lördag i närheten av staden Sevastopol på Krims sydvästra spets, uppger det regionala styret. Michail Razvozjajev, som tilldelats posten som guvernör i staden av det ryska ockupationsstyret, skriver i ett inlägg på Telegram att ett 1 000 kvadratmeter stort område brinner.


Enligt underrättelsetjänsten har upp till 40 000 ton olja brunnit på lördagen. Oljan uppges ha varit tänkt för den ryska Svartahavsflottan som håller till i Sevastopol, uppger Andrij Jusov, som varnar Krims ukrainska befolkning inför den stundande våroffensiven.

– Alla invånare på det tillfälligt ockuperade borde hålla sig undan militära anläggningar där angriparna håller till under den kommande tiden, säger Jusov i ett uttalande.
Vad hände med Rysslands luftförsvar?
Lennart Petersen
Inlägg: 3099
Blev medlem: söndag 21 augusti 2011 22:53

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Lennart Petersen »

Enceladus skrev: lördag 29 april 2023 5:56 [u
Kan det trots allt vara Ryssland som ligger bakom sprängningarna av gasledningarna Nord Stream 1 och 2?
Har sett en uppgift att företaget Gazprom riskerade ett enormt sladestånd för uteblivna gasleveranser vilket bortföll med sprängningen då det blev force majeure
Inlägg: 10041
Blev medlem: torsdag 29 juni 2017 18:23

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av Enceladus »

US believes Russians in Ukraine have suffered 100,000 casualties in 5 months
Reuters skrev:White House national security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters the figure, based on U.S. intelligence estimates, included more than 20,000 dead, half of them from the Wagner mercenary group, which includes convicts released from prison to join the fighting.
Nyligen slog Wagnergruppens ledare Jevgenij Prigozjin larm om att "vi kommer att bli historia". Prigozjin borde kanske hålla sig till gruvdrift i Afrika...

Antalet visuellt bekräftade ryska förluster utgör nu 10 135 enheter, varav 1 925 stridsvagnar, 80 flygplan, 84 helikoptrar, 8 strids- och 211 spaningsdrönare.

In Israel, McCarthy Pledges Continued Support for Ukraine
The New York Times skrev:Speaking at a news conference in Jerusalem shortly after delivering a speech to Israel’s Knesset, Mr. McCarthy pushed back forcefully after a reporter for the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti questioned him about whether he might pull back on aid and weaponry for Ukraine.

“I vote for aid for Ukraine, I support aid for Ukraine,” Mr. McCarthy said to the reporter, who had prefaced his question by stating, “We know that you don’t support the current unlimited and uncontrolled supplies of weaponry and aid to Ukraine.”


“I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine; I do not support your killing of the children either,” Mr. McCarthy told the Russian reporter. “And we will continue to support, because the rest of the world sees it just as it is.”
Amerikanska högerpolitiker vågar äntligen visa sitt rätta jag efter att Murdoch sparkade den notoriske lögnaren Tucker Carlson från tv-kanalen Fox News. Republikanen Kevin McCarthy, tillika talman i USA:s representanthus, passade också på att bjuda in Bibi, enligt honom "en kär vän", till USA:s kongress.
Användarens profilbild
dr Cassandra Nojdh
Inlägg: 6345
Blev medlem: måndag 26 januari 2015 12:05

Re: Inför Ryssarnas invasion (2022)

Inlägg av dr Cassandra Nojdh »

Enceladus skrev: måndag 01 maj 2023 23:27 In Israel, McCarthy Pledges Continued Support for Ukraine
The New York Times skrev:Speaking at a news conference in Jerusalem shortly after delivering a speech to Israel’s Knesset, Mr. McCarthy pushed back forcefully after a reporter for the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti questioned him about whether he might pull back on aid and weaponry for Ukraine.

“I vote for aid for Ukraine, I support aid for Ukraine,” Mr. McCarthy said to the reporter, who had prefaced his question by stating, “We know that you don’t support the current unlimited and uncontrolled supplies of weaponry and aid to Ukraine.”


“I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine; I do not support your killing of the children either,” Mr. McCarthy told the Russian reporter. “And we will continue to support, because the rest of the world sees it just as it is.”
Amerikanska högerpolitiker vågar äntligen visa sitt rätta jag efter att Murdoch sparkade den notoriske lögnaren Tucker Carlson från tv-kanalen Fox News. Republikanen Kevin McCarthy, tillika talman i USA:s representanthus, passade också på att bjuda in Bibi, enligt honom "en kär vän", till USA:s kongress.
Äh, Kevin McCarthy är en opportunist och kappvändare. Just nu passar det honom att bjuda in den korrumperade skurken och högerextremisten Netanyahu, det passar både hans inrikespolitiska syften och stärker Netanyahus inrikespolitiska situation i Israel. McCarthys kompis Marjorie Taylor Greene är mera frispråkig:
NYT skrev:In recent weeks, as Republicans have attempted to coalesce around a plan to cut spending in advance of debt ceiling negotiations with the White House, Ms. Greene has been waging a steady campaign against continuing military assistance and other forms of aid for Ukraine.

She has called for zeroing out that part of the budget, charging that the Biden administration has been “swindled” by the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and arguing that the assistance being provided is making the United States too active a participant in the country, stating, “Ukraine is not the 51st state.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene/Twitter skrev:We should be forging peace in Ukraine, not funding war and getting swindled by Zelenskyy and his cronies.

Så talar en äkta trumpist. Snacka om "rätta jag". Fascister och högerextremister! Lita aldrig på en höger- (eller vänster-)-extremist!
Senast redigerad av dr Cassandra Nojdh den tisdag 02 maj 2023 8:10, redigerad totalt 2 gång.
Så kommer turen till Soccomoro alias Jazzbacillen alias dr Cassandra Nöjdh alias Durkdrivna Doris etc. (ljudkonst av Lars-Gunnar Bodin): "Låt oss tala klarspråk och rinna ut i sanden".
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