Enceladus skrev: ↑fredag 07 juni 2024 7:45
Ukraina verkar inte alls ha fullt upp med ta hand om F-16 under innevarande år! Tvärtom, landet har många piloter som väntar på utbildning:
Det verkar föreligga en del olika meningar om detta. Sveriges spinkige utrikesminister har lagt ut texten för Voice of America:
https://www.voanews.com/a/sweden-fm-tal ... 92980.html
Voice of America skrev:VOA: Sweden provided a lot of military help to Ukraine. One of the items that was discussed is Gripen fighter jets. Sweden planned to provide them and then halted the provision of Gripens. What happened and can you kind of give a little bit of background on the Gripen situation?
Billstrom: We have to understand that Ukraine has been given the opportunity to be provided with the F-16 air fighters which are of course more in abundance within the NATO family, more countries have after all F-16 and would have Gripen air fighters. It has nothing to do with the decision by the Swedish government. This decision was brought about because Ukraine reached the conclusion that to bring on board two air fighter systems at the same time, both F- 16 and Gripens, were to be too much. After all, we are talking about systems. It's not just a question about receiving airplanes and training pilots. These are complicated systems and to have two of them at the same time being implemented was too much, but that is not to say that Sweden is not open to continue with Gripens air fighters if and when 16 programs have been concluded.
Since we couldn't go forward with the Gripens air fighters since the F-16 are coming aboard, we decided to provide Ukraine with other capabilities which Sweden has and we have given Ukraine ASC 890 surveillance systems and that will mean that we will give something to Ukraine that Ukraine can use in collaboration with the F-16 air fighters. It will provide Ukraine with the ability to perform better when it comes to air fighting and surveillance and also battle leading in the air and that is something which is going to be very good for Ukraine.
Ukraina verkar ha en annan uppfattning (se vidare
mitt tidigare inlägg), i en intervju med Ihor Zhovkva, biträdande chef för Ukrainas presidentadministration heter det:
https://www.holosameryky.com/a/zhovkva- ... 96877.html
Voice of America skrev:VOA: Questions about the Swedish Gripen fighters. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden said in an interview with Voice of America that they are ready to provide these planes, but Ukraine refused them. Ukraine wanted to get F-16, they were needed on the battlefield a year or two ago. There is hope that Ukraine will receive them this summer. Why are you giving up all the other fighter jets that countries are willing to provide when there is a need for these technologies on the battlefield?
Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine: I have never heard that the Ukrainians refused Gripen fighters. On the contrary, it is a topic that my president constantly raises before the leadership of Sweden. And so it was even before Sweden joined NATO. For obvious reasons, they were not ready to make any promises at the time as they were finalizing their membership in the Alliance. Now the country is in NATO, and my president is again communicating with the Prime Minister of Sweden, and our Ministry of Defense is communicating with the relevant authorities in Sweden. These fighters are as good as the F-16. So, we are moving in that direction.
I vart fall är detta ingen som Sverige har råd att göra på egen hand, därav (emligt min mening) Billströms svävande svar ovan. Dr. Oscar Jonsson vid Försvarshögskolan chattade igår med allmänheten och fick en fråga om detta:
SvT skrev:Fråga:Vem eller vad är det som stoppar leveransen sv JAS till UA? Systemet är rätt för UA på många sätt. Förmågan. Inga restriktioner av mål på RU sida. Robust och effektiv logistik runt planet. S och US politiker har inte samma story. Vad ligger bakom?
Oscar Jonsson: Den internationella stridsflygskoalitionen för Ukraina rekommenderade att fokusera på färre system, men de bestämmer inte själva. Dock behöver Sverige flera internationella partners för att få stöd med finansiering, beväpning m.m. för att få JAS att fungera i praktiken, vilket gör att andra länders inställning spelar roll. Främst Frankrike och USA vill ha deras plan där.