dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: ↑söndag 21 juli 2024 20:29
Kamala Harris kommer, i förekommande fall, att få mycket svårt mot demagogerna Trump/Vance: Vance kommer att äta Harris till frukost
Majority of pledged Democratic delegates endorse Harris after massive fundraising day
CNBC skrev:In the hours since President Joe Biden announced that he would end his teetering reelection campaign, Harris and the Democratic party have pulled in roughly $250 million in online donations and major donor commitments.
Harris’ momentum could be the reason that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who recently switched his political affiliation to Independent, dropped his suggestion that he was open to challenging Harris for the Democratic nomination.
“Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain,” she continued. “So hear me when I say: I know Donald Trump’s type.”
Nu är Trump åldringen - Harris framstår som rena junioren. Miljoner människor har skänkt pengar till kampanjen, och kolbaronen Manchin kastar in handduken.
dr Cassandra Nojdh skrev: ↑torsdag 11 januari 2024 19:55
Ukraina har ju i mångt och mycket fått improvisera sitt luftförsvar och skjuta med vad de har, och då kan man inte vara allt för kräsen, även om t.ex. Forbes miltärskribent, den idelige David Axe hävdar "The ZU-23-2s work just fine". Och det är klart, allt beror på vad man jämför med.
Ukraine Situation Report: Large Two-Pronged Drone Attack Struck Russian Refinery, Airbase
The War Zone skrev:“You either make serious responsible decisions by allowing people to shoot, including hired private security companies, strengthening them with normal means and relieving them of responsibility if a downed drone falls somewhere, or we are left without oil refining in the south of the country,” Two Majors continued. “And right away, for those whose mother is a genius, the Chinese anti-drone ‘gun’”’ will do absolutely nothing to such a drone. Only ZU-23-2, various points with heavy machine guns, MANPADS. And a clear system of interaction, built not by idiots, for early detection.”
“It would seem that it’s so difficult?” Rybar asked rhetorically. “Hangars and shelters are much cheaper than repairing or building a new aircraft, and installing a ZU-23 on a pickup truck is much easier than losing refinery capacity. Maybe there is something we don’t know or understand. I would like at least some reasonable arguments, but, of course, there are none.”
Videos also emerged on social media showing Ukrainian drones approaching Morosovsk Air Base, as well as the purported aftermath which showed flames and smoke at the airfield from a distance. The base is home to dozens of Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers that have been a key weapon in the war, and serves as a forward operating base for other Flanker derivatives.
Skribenten bekänner återigen färg. Den andra sidan kan bara önska detta - och
förlorar ännu ett plan. Nu tycker Kreml att militärbloggarna
snackar för mycket:
WarTranslated (Dmitri) skrev:The Russians are having another meltdown. The State Duma Committee on Defense has banned "the carrying of gadgets in the SMO zone. This will be considered a gross disciplinary act." Obviously, they are trying to hide leaks about losses and war crimes, but the reaction of the military was not long in coming. They call legislators worthless idiots as smartphones replace the non-existent closed connection. Reactions are coming from everywhere. Here's just one:
"They should ban Mavics too"
Ukrainarna kan vara tacksamma för att Putin tycks prioritera propaganda framför faktiska framgångar på slagfältet. Mobiltelefonen är ett oumbärligt verktyg!
Enceladus skrev: ↑söndag 10 december 2023 2:59
Även nästa års klimatmöte verkar gå till ett oljeland. Dessa notoriska lögnare hoppas väl kunna förhala den gröna omställningen så mycket som möjligt.
Russia’s War in Ukraine Is Aggravating the Caspian Sea Environmental Crisis
Carnegie Politika skrev:Azerbaijan says this is not just due to climate change, but also to dams on the Volga diverting water. Here, too, the war may play a role. Western sanctions have led to intensified agricultural exploitation and water use in the region as Russia seeks to compensate for lost imports. Ali Salajegheh, head of Iran’s Environment Department, attributed the decline in Caspian Sea levels in 2023 to Russia intentionally reducing the Volga inflow. While that has not been denied, some link the decline to natural variation, worsened by climate change.
This affects not only Russia but also routes from Central Asia to Europe through Azerbaijan. The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, also known as the Middle Corridor, passes through Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, and the South Caucasus, and is crucial for trade between China and Europe. Officials in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, increasingly alarmed by the shrinking Caspian, say the issue is critical. Falling water levels impact every aspect of life, the maritime industry, and the region’s ecology, threatening the efficacy and economic potential of the Middle Corridor.
Caspian state Azerbaijan will host the COP29 international climate change conference in November 2024, and could use it to bring attention to this issue and foster greater regional cooperation. The conference will attract global attention, providing an opportunity to highlight the region’s problems and mobilize international support for monitoring and mitigating the environmental impact on the Caspian Sea.
Som bekant ska klimattoppmötet COP29 hållas i Azerbajdzjan i år. Det kanske inte är så dumt ändå enär ryssarna orsakar en miljökatastrof i Kaspiska havet...